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Acoustic Energy Loudspeaker Extreme 5 User Manual

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O w n e r s   M a n u a l

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4 .   P o s i t i o n i n g
2 .   H a n d l i n g
Thank you for purchasing this Acoustic Energy product. As a valued customer 
we would like to keep you up to date with all news and events including new 
products, exhibitions and exclusive promotions. To enable us to communicate 
these exciting developments please go to our website - www.acoustic-energy.
co.uk - and complete the ownership registration form.
Perhaps more than any other audio product, speakers are sensitive to 
installation so...

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4 .   P o s i t i o n i n g1 .   I n t r o d u c t i o n
The location of speakers within a listening environment 
is likely to have more influence over their subjective 
performance than any other aspect of installation. It is 
worth spending some time considering both the finer 
points of speaker location, as well as the larger scale 
issues of room and speaker layout.
If you are already familiar with the acoustic 
characteristics of the listening environment, and the 
way speakers perform...

Page 4

5 .   M o u n t i n g   B r a c k e t s6 .   C o n n e c t i n g
With speaker mounting locations selected, the Mounting Brackets can be attached 
to the mounting surface or structure. Diagram Two illustrates the bracket, speaker 
and associated components.
Use the bracket itself as a template to mark the mounting hole positions employing 
a spirit-level to ensure the bracket is level. The mounting holes are provided with 
key-hole slots to simplify attachment. At least two screws must be used...

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Page 5
5 .   M o u n t i n g   B r a c k e t s6 .   C o n n e c t i n g
To connect the speakers simply push the Speakon plug into the socket and twist 
the plug clock-wise to lock. Twist counter-clockwise and pull to disconnect.
Connection Polarity.
It is important to ensure that each speaker is connected with the same polarity. 
Positive speaker terminals should always be connected back to amplifier positive 
terminals, and negative speaker terminals connected back to amplifier negative 

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7 .   A m p l i f i e r s1 0 .   W a r r a n t y
It is wise before listening to your speakers to make one 
final check of the cables and connections. If all appears 
well begin listening at a relatively low level to confirm 
that the system is operating as expected. Only increase 
the volume if you are happy with the sound at low 
levels. If you are unhappy, turn the system off and re-
check all the cables and connections.
Extreme Series speakers may take a little time to “run-

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7 .   A m p l i f i e r s1 0 .   W a r r a n t y
1 1 .   C o n t a c t
Your Acoustic Energy speakers are guaranteed 
against original defects in materials, manufacture and 
workmanship for one year from the date of purchase.
Under this warranty Acoustic Energy agrees to repair 
any defect or, at the company’s discretion, replace 
the faulty component(s) without charge for parts or 
labour. This warranty does not imply any acceptance 
by Acoustic Energy or its agents for consequential loss 

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Acoustic Energy Limited, 1 Bridge Road, Cirencester, Gloucestershire GL 1NJ. 
Tel: + (0)185  5 (Sales), + (0)185  5890 (Technical). Fax: + (0)185  50
Email: [email protected] 
Web: www.acoustic-energy.co.uk
Manual Part No. MA801
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