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Accusplit Pedometer AE180XL User Manual

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    4 5
    Operating  Instructions
    AE1 80XL 
    Functions•  Step  counter .
    •  Automatic  Acti vity T imer .  
    •  Distance  in mi or km.
    •  Cloc k.
    F or  complete F unction Specications, go to page 26.Key F eat ures•  Built  a ro u nd t h e J a p an ese -m ad e J W 20 0 P ed om ete rE n g in e™   
      Step S ensor, the cur rent gold standard for accuracy . 
    •  Extra Large Digits. 
    •  The  ACCUSPLIT  exclusive case mak es this the slimmest 
      available pedometer built around the JW20 0 Step Sensor.
    •  Chromed, Spring Steel clip resists break age.
    •  Case includes two leash slots, for at taching  safety leash 
      on either side. Made from tough polycarbonate plastic.
    •  Step lter , can be set from 0-5 steps to fur ther increase  
      accuracy .
    S ee  diagrams at right.
    The co ver must be closed f or the  
    pedomet er to w ork.  USE IT NO W!  Your  pedometer is preset with standardiz ed set tings  
      that allow you to use it now!  You  can customiz e the  
      set tings later . Skip to pages 1 5-18 to use 
    it now!
    SET TING UP  YOUR PEDOMETER  It’s a good idea to set up your pedometer before r st using it. 
    T o record your distance accurately , you will need to set your 
    stride length.  You  may also wish to set the cloc k to the cor rect 
    time of day .  
    S ee  page 9 when you are ready to set up your unit.
    iw a
    lkerX L
    omS TEP   
    TIME   DIS T   CA
    S3 –
    S1, S2, S4 S3
    Get ting  Acquaint ed
    • Press the MODE but ton to cycle through the display  
      modes (Steps,  Activity T ime, …).  
      See  page 1 8 and Specications for details.
    •   The  RESET but ton sets your counts bac k to z ero.  
      See  page 1 9 for details.
    •  STEP: S TEP mode shows step count.
    •   TIME:  A UT O A CTIVITY  TIMER MODE shows total  
      acti vity time in min and sec. 
    • DIS T: DIS TANCE  mode shows distance traveled  
    : C LO CK m ode s h ow s t im e o f d ay.
    S TE P   TI ME     D IS T    DIG I-WALK ERXL.C O M
    180XLS3- S3+
    M Y
    M EM ORY
    MODE But ton
    MEMORY But ton
    RESET But
    ton (yellow)
    ACCUSPLIT , Inc.
    3090 Independence Drive, Suite 148 Livermore, CA 94551 USA
    800-935-1996  •  925-290-1900  •  FAX 925-290-1930
     www .ACCUSPLIT .com  •  support@ACCUSPLIT .com
    Eat R ig h t!  W alk  M ore !  L iv e W ell! 
    e  A CCU SP L IT  L ife st y le970-089
    Nov 07 
    ACCUSPLIT	products	use	a	common	setting	procedure		
    known	as	 “S1-	S2-S3-S4.”	Here’s	how	it	works:
    Press	S1	for	2	seconds:	Enter	the	SET	mode
    Press	S2:	Change	the	field	to	be	set
    Press	S3:	Change	the	field	value
    Press	S4	for	2	seconds:	Exit	the	SET	mode
    You	can	enter	and	exit	Set	mode	from	any	of	the	regular	
    display	screens.	Once	in	Set	mode,	you	can	cycle	through	all	
    of	these	settings	by	pressing	S2	repeatedly:
    Set	Stride	Length	
    g 	Set	Clock	Hours	g	Set	Clock	Minutes We	recommend	that	you	adjust	the	settings	all	at	once,	using	
    the	procedure	below.	
    Entering set mode 
    Press	and	hold	the	S1		button	for	2	seconds.		
    The	display	will	start	to	flash,	showing	that	you’ve	entered	
    SET	mode.		
    Setting Stride Length1.	 Press	S2,	repeatedly	until	the	mode	indicator	bar	is	
    	 underneath	DIST	and	the	 “in”	indicator	comes	on.		
    	 The	display	will	show	a	flashing	number,	which	is	your		
    	 Stride	Length	set	point	(in	inches).
    2.	 Press	the	S3	+	(MODE)	button	to	increase	the	 Stride	
    	 Length	(in	increments	of	¼	inch),	and	press	the	S3-		
    	 (RESET)	button	to	decrease	the	Stride	Length.	Hold		
    	 the	buttons	down	to	change	values	quickly.	
    3.	Press	the	S2	button	to	adjust	the	clock.
    Finding Your Stride Length:  Your	stride	length	is	the	
    length	of	one	of	your	steps,	measured	from	 “toe	to	toe.”	To	
    measure,	walk	10	steps	with	your	normal	stride	and	measure	
    the	 TOTAL	DISTANCE	from	the	toe	of	your	starting	step	to	
    the	toe	of	your	10th	step	(see	diagram	below).	Divide	the	
    TOTAL	DISTANCE	by	10,	and	multiply	the	decimal	portion	by	
    12	to	find	your	stride	length	in	feet	and	inches.	Example:	 You	
    walk	23	feet	and	6½	inches	in	10	steps.	Convert	to	feet	only	=	
    23.542	feet	(6½	÷	12	=	0.542).	Divide	by	ten	to	get	the	stride	
    length	in	feet	=	2.354	feet.	Now,	convert	back	to	feet	and	
    inches	to	get	your	stride	length	=	2	feet	4.25	inches	(0.354	×	
    12	=	4.25).	
    10	steps
    Setting the Clock1.	 (Continuing	from	above)	-	 After	pressing	S2,		you	will		
    	 see	the	 “lb”	indicator	go	out,	and	the	 “A”	or	“P”		
    	 indicator	come	on.	 The	display	will	show	the	current	time		
    	 of	day	setting,	with	the	Hours	value	flashing.
    2.	 As	before,	press	the	S3	+	(MODE)	button	to	increase	
    	 Hours,	and	press	the	S3	-	(RESET)	button	to	decrease		
    	 Hours.	Hold	the	buttons	down	to	change	values	quickly.		
    	 Note:	the	 “A”	and	“P”	indicators	indicate	 AM	and	PM.
    3.	 Press	the	S2	button	to	adjust	the	Minutes.
    4.	 Press	the	S3	+	(MODE)	button	to	increase	Minutes,	and	
    	 press	the	S3	-	(RESET)	button	to	decrease	Minutes.	Hold		
    	 the	buttons	down	to	change	values	quickly.	Note:	the	 “A”		
    	 and	 “P”	indicators	indicate	 AM	and	PM.
    Setting Stride Length
    “in”	indicator	
    for	inches
    Note:	If	you	need	to	go	back	and	change	some	of	the	values,	
    simply	press	S2	to	cycle	through	all	of	the	set	points	until	you	
    see	the	one	you	want	to	change.	
    Exiting Set ModePress	and	hold	the	S4	button	for	2	seconds.	 The	unit	will	exit	
    setting	mode	–	no	values	will	be	flashing	anymore.
    Note: 	The	unit	will	save	any	changes	and	exit	set	mode	after	
    30	seconds	unattended.
    WEARING YOUR PEDOMETERGently	slide	the	pedometer	
    onto	your	belt	or	the	top	
    edge	of	your	pants	or	skirt.	
    It	should	fit	snugly	and	
    level,	above	one	knee.	 The	
    strong	steel	clip	makes	it	
    Note: 	The	pedometer	should	be	as	vertical	as	possible.	
    Walkers	with	larger	stomachs	may	find	it	helpful	to	
    wear	the	pedometer	farther	back	on	the	body,	toward	
    one	hip.	
    The cover must be closed for the pedometer to work. 
    To	avoid	losing	or	dropping	your	pedometer,	use	the	included	
    leash	and	clip	to	fasten	the	pedometer	securely	to	your	
    Attaching the Leash1.	 Attach	the	pedometer	to	the	leash	by	looping	the	thin		
    	 side	of	the	leash	through	one	of	the	leash	slots	on	the		
    	 sides	of	the	pedometer	case,	near	the	bottom	of	the	unit.
    2.	 Put	the	pedometer	onto	your	clothing	as	discussed	above.
    3.	 Attach	the	alligator	clip	to	a	belt	loop	or	the	top	edge	of	the	
    	 pants	or	skirt.	
    Note: 		You	can	also	use	a	safety	pin	to	fasten	the	leash	to		
    your	clothing,	loop	the	leash	through	your	belt	or	belt		
    loop,	or	use	a	badge	holder.
    First, loop leash through slot on side of pedometer
    Next, clasp clothing
    Or, loop a  badge holder, then  put into pocket (Badge	holder		
    not	included)
    Or, loop a belt  or belt loop
    VIEWING YOUR RESULTSOnce	you	put	on	your	pedometer	with	the	cover	closed,	it	
    will	automatically	begin	to	record	your	steps,	activity	time,	
    distance,	and	calories	burned.	Repeatedly	press	the	MODE	
    button	to	cycle	through	the	pedometer	modes:
    Time	and	Distance	are	counted	automatically	 whenever	steps	
    are	being	counted.
    •	 TIME	is	time	spent	in	step	activity.
    •		 DISTANCE	is	simply	stride	length	x	steps.
    Note: 	For	extra	accuracy,	the	default	Step	Filter	Setting	is	1.	
    See	page	21	to	learn	more.
    RESETTING YOUR PEDOMETERMost	people	prefer	to	reset	counts	daily.	 To	reset	your	counts:	
    From	STEP,		 TIME,	or	DISTANCE	mode,	press	and	hold	the	
    yellow	RESET	button	for	at	least	2	seconds.	 You’ll	see	the	
    values	all	go	back	to	zero.
    OTHER SETTINGS The	Step	Filter	and	Unit	of	Measurement	settings	are	
    accessed	through	a	special	 “deep	set”	mode.	
    To	enter	this	mode,	press	and	hold	the	S1	button	 for	4	
    seconds.	 The	screen	will	display	a	single	digit.	From	within	
    Deep	Set	mode,	press	the	S2	button	to	cycle	back	and	forth	
    between	the	Step	Filter	set	point	and	Choice	of	Unit	System.	
    Set Step Filter set point
    Set measurement mode
    “US”	(English)	
    or	 “EU”	(Metric) Can	be	set	
    from	0-5	steps
    CHANGING STEP FILTER SETTING While	the	JW200	PedometerEngine™	Step	Sensor	is	
    extremely	accurate,	some	people	like	to	have	the	ability	to	
    filter	out	false	steps.		
    Therefore,	the	unit	has	a	variable	setting	
    step	filter,	to	allow	fine-tuning	to	your	specific	preferences.	
    You	can	set	the	value	to	any	value	from	0	–	5	steps.	For	
    example,	if	the	filter	is	set	to	 “3”,	the	unit	will	wait	to	start	
    counting	steps	until	more	than	three	steps	have	been	taken	in	
    less	than	five	seconds.	
    Press	S3+	(MODE)	or	S3–	(RESET)	to	change	the	Step	Filter	
    CHANGING UNITS (English vs. Metric) The 	Pedometer 	can 	display 	either 	in 	English 	units 	(in, 	mi, 	and 	lb	
    - 	this 	is 	the 	default), 	or 	in 	Metric 	units 	(cm, 	km, 	and 	kg). 	From 	within	
    Deep 	Set 	mode 	(see 	pg. 	25), 	press 	the 	S2 	button 	to 	cycle 	back 	and	
    forth 	between 	setting 	the 	Step 	Filter 	set 	point 	and 	Choice 	of 	Unit	
    System. 	The 	unit 	will 	show 	either 	“US” 	or 	“EU” 	(for 	European 	Union)	
    depending 	on 	the 	unit 	system 	chosen. 	If 	you 	change 	units 	after 	using	
    the 	pedometer, 	the 	unit 	will 	convert 	all 	of 	your 	data 	into 	the 	new 	unit	
    system 	when 	you 	exit 	Deep 	Set 	model. 	You 	can 	check 	to 	see 	which	
    system 	of 	units 	you 	are 	using 	by 	seeing 	which 	measurement 	units	
    are 	displayed 	on 	the 	Stride 	and 	Weight 	setting 	screens.
    Press 	S3+ 	(MODE) 	or 	S3– 	(RESET) 	to 	change 	the 	Measurement 	Mode.	
    Press 	and 	hold 	S4 	for 	2 	seconds 	to 	exit 	Deep 	Set 	Mode.
    Note: 	The	unit	will	save	any	changes	and	exit	set	mode	after	 30								
    	 						seconds	unattended. 
    REPLACING THE BATTERY AND MASTER RESETWhen	the	display	starts	to	dim	or	goes	blank,	it	is	time	to	
    replace	the	battery.		
    If	the	display	is	not	uniformly	dim	or	blank,	and	appears	to	
    display	 “erroneous	data”,	do	a	Master	Reset	by	pressing	all	
    3	buttons	simultaneously	for	3	seconds	and	then	release.	
    The	display	should	go	blank,	then	turn	all	segments	on,	then	
    display	0	steps	in	Step	Mode.	
    Note: 	All	the	settings	will	return	to	their	default	setting	values.		
    If	you	need	to	change	the	battery,	the	settings	will	also	revert		
    to	default	settings.
    To	replace	the	battery:
    1.	 Insert	a	coin	into	the	slot	on	the		
    	 bottom	of	the	case,	and	twist	to		
    	 loosen	the	faceplate.	Remove		
    	 faceplate	and	set	aside.
    2.	Locate	the	battery	holder	as	seen	
    	 on	sketch.	Pull	out	the	old	battery,		
    	 and	push	a	new	LR-44	battery	into	the	holder,		
    	 with	positive	terminal	(+)	facing	up.
    3.	 Snap 	faceplate 	back 	into 	place, 	hooking 	the 	bottom	
    	 two 	tabs 	first,	then	closing	by	pressing	together	at	the		
    	 top	two	tabs.		
    Description of Functions•	 Counts	Steps	up	to	99,999	then	rollover.
    •	 Counts	 Time	spent	in	step	activity,	up	to	999	Min	59	sec,		
    	 then	rollover.	 Automatically	counts	whenever	step	activity	
    	 is	occurring.
    •	 Counts	distance	traveled	during	step	activity,	up	to	
    	 999.99	mi	or	km,	then	rollover.	 Automatically	counts		
    	 whenever	step	activity	is	occurring.
    •	 Adjustable	stride	length	for	greater	distance	accuracy	
    	 (default	setting	is	21	in/53	cm,	but	can	be	set	from	12-72	in		
    	 (30-180	cm),	in	0.25	in	/	1	cm	increments. •	 12	Hour	Clock	(default	setting	is	10.00am).
    •	 Adjustable	Step	Filter	(default	setting	is	1	step,	but	can	
    	 be	set	from	0-5	steps)	to	increase	step	count		accuracy.
    •	 Switchable	between	English	and	Metric	units,	without	
    	 losing	data	(default	setting	is	English	units).
    REGISTER NOW Please return  your AE180XL Registration to  the Repair Center address in the  warranty, and we will let you know about future products. 
    Email (preferred)
    NO-PROOF-OF-PURCHASE LIMITED WARRANTYFree service for first year of ownership;  $12 fee for service thereafter. See label inside unit for date.  See www.ACCUSPLIT.com/support for details
    Battery,	replacing	 . . . .25-26
    Clock,	setting. . . . . . . .13-14
    Current	day’s	results,		
    			viewing. . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
    Setting	Mode,	exiting. . . .14
    Open	your	pedometer	 . . . .4
    Safety	Leash	 . . . . . . . .18-19
    Setting	up	pedometer. .5-12 Step	Filter	Setting,	
    			change	 . . . . . . . . . . .21-22
    Stride	Length,		
    			setting. . . . . . . . . . . .10-12
    Unit	of	measure,		
    			changing. . . . . . . . . . . . .23
    Wearing	pedometer	 . . . . .15Warranty	 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
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