3M Multimedia Projector X90 Specifications
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3M ª Digital\broj\fctorX90 Withits 40 00 lumens* ,cri sp video anddata imagedispl ay andwide select io n of co nne ctors, the 3MT MDig ital \froj ector X\b 0is ide alfor board rooms, classroo ms,multi medi aan d mult ipur pose envi ronmen ts.Adva nced fe atures like pe rson alize dse ttin gs, video enhancemen ts and antitheft de terren ts,ma kethe 3M X\b0 agre at tool for presenti nga pro fessi ona limag e. 3MªDigital \broj\fc torX90 1 8003281 3\b1 www.3m.com/me etin\fs Features •4\b \b\b lumen s* • Wi re d LAN • Optic alZ oom • Ful lCon nec tivity • Quick Sta rt and Instant Off • Aut o Ver tical Keystone •Inpu tso urce naming • SRS WOW TMSou nd Security Bar Control PortSecurity Slot M1D PortLan Port Shutdown Switch RGB 2 Port RGB 1PortRGB Out Port Video Port AudioIn1Port Audio In2Port Power Inlet Power Sw itch Remote ControlPortAudio Out PortComponent PortsSVideo Port AudioIn3R/L ports(R ed&W hite)Audio In4R/L ports(R ed&W hite) •Hear aud iothe wayit was inte nd ed – with am az ing high s, fu llbass from thelows an dreali stic imm ersion .S R S WOW TM im prove sau dio dyn am ics, and perc eptio n oflow freq uen cy bass an d will make you r pres entation scom man dattention . •MyS\bre en,M yM em or y, MyBu tton per son aliz ed set tings • Whiteb oardand \flackboa rdmode s •AntiThef tD ete rrents: – Secu rit y \fa r –PIN Lock –M yS\br een Lock –Tran sition Detec tor •Free Down loadableSoftw are •Pic tu re Fre eze ,Image \fla nk and Magnify(4x) *\fn d\f\bat esma x\fmu mlume nsrat\fng

Building A 1475N01 6801 River Place Blvd. Austin, TX 7872690003 3 M M C C a a n n a a d d a a P.O. Box 5757 London, Ontario,Canada N6A 4T13 3 M M M M e e x x i i c c o o , , S S . . A A . . d d e e C C . . V V . . Apartado Postal 14139 Mexico, D.F. 07070 Mexico Specifications subject to change without notice. 3M, the 3M logo and the Vikuiti logo are trademarks of 3M Company. Used under license in Canada. All other trade names referenced are the service marks, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Hg — LAMP CONTAINS MERCURY. Manage in accord with disposal laws. See www.lamprecycle.org or call 1800328 1371 (USA), 18003643577 (Canada ). For product disposal see www.eiae.org (USA) or www.epsc.ca (Canada ). Di gita lP roje ctor X90Specifications & Accessories Imp ortan tN otice All stat eme nts, techn ical info rma tio n, and recomme ndations re late d to 3M’ s prod uctsare based oninforma tion bel ieve dto be relia b le, but th e acc ura cy or c om ple te ness isnot guarant eed. Be fore usi ng thi s prod uct, yo umu steva lua te it a nd det ermin eif it is suit ablefo r yo ur in ten de dap plic atio n. Y ou assu meall ri sks a nd liability associ ated with such use .An ystat eme nts relat ed tothe pro duct wh ich a re notco ntaine din 3M’ scurrent pub lic at ions, or an y co ntra ry sta teme ntscon ta ine d on yo ur purc hase ordershal lhave no forc eor eff ec tun less exp ressl yag re ed upo n, inwri ting ,b y an authorized officer of 3M. Wa rranty ;Limi ted Remed y;Lim ited Lia bi lity T hi s prod uctwi llbe fre efro m def ec ts in ma teria la nd manufa cture for ape riodof 3 years from the dat eof purc hase. 3M MAKES NO OTH ER WARRAN TIE S or CO NDI TIONS IN CLUD ING, BUT NO T LIMIT EDTO,ANY IMPLIED WARRANT YOR CO NDI TION OF ME RCHANT ABILITY OR FITN ESS FO R APART IC ULAR PURPO SE. If th is pro duct isdef ect ive within thewarra nty period state d ab ove ,you rexc lusive rem edyshal lbe ,at 3M’s option ,to replac eor re pai rthe 3M prod uctor refundthe purc hase price ofthe3M pro duc t. Exc eptw here prohib it ed by la w ,3M will not b e lia ble forany ind irec t,sp eci al,in ci de nta lo r co nse qu en tia lloss or da mag earisi ng from this 3M pro duct ,reg ardle ss of th e le g al the ory asse rted. Opt icalResolution: Imager set: Aspect Ratio: Colors: Brightness: Contrast Ratio: Projection lens: LensShift: Screen Size(range): Zoom /Focus: Zoom Ratio: Optional Lenses: Lamp: LampLife: SystemSpec ificatio nsVideo compatibility: SDTV/HDTV: Digital Keystone Correction: Audio: StartupScreen: Noiselevel: Horizontal scan: Verticalscan: Powerconsumption: Powersupply: Regulatory approvals: Operatingtemperature: Storagetemperature: Altitude: SizeDimensions (WxH xD): Weight: Projector: Lamp: Ultra Value Warranty Enhancement:Native: TrueXGA (1024 x768) Maximum: UXGA(1600x1200) 0.8, PSiTFTPanel 4:3native and16:9 supported 16.7 million truecolors (24bit) 4000 lumens (maximum rating) 1000:1 F1.72.1,(f=2429mm) 1:1to9:1 (vertical); 6:4to4:6 (horizontal) 30350 inchesdiagonal Manual 1.2:1 ShortThrow, LongThrow &Ultra Long Throw UHB285W (Normal Mode),228W(Whisper) 2000hours (Normal Mode) Upto3000 hours (Whisper Mode) NTSC,NTSC4.43,PAL,PALM, PALN,SECAM 525i(480i), 525p(480p), 625i(576i), 750p (720p@60Hz), 1125i(1080i@60Hz) Vertical: ±40°Horizontal: ±20° 4x4W Customizable Normal 39dB;Whisper 33dB 31.5106kHz 56120Hz 460W Universal: 100120V/220240V, 50/60Hz UL,cUL, FCCPart15Class B,CE, EN60950, WEEE 41°95°F(5°35°C) 4°140°F (20°60°C) Sealevel to6000 ft.(1,829m) 16.5 x5.5 x12.6 in.(418 x139 x319mm) 15.6 lbs/7.1kg 3 Years Standard 90days or180 hours Remainder of1Year Prorated Includes freelamp, freeloaner whileunitis being repaired andexpedited service. Notavailable outsideU.S. WarrantiesSee www.3m.com/us/ meetings/warranties fordetails onwarranties. Conn ectionsComputer Video 3Analog RGB(2inputs, 1output) 1Composite (RCAJack) 1Digital RGB(1input =M1D) 1SVideo (MiniDin 4pin) 1USB Mouse (M1D) 1Component (RCAJacks x3) 1Serial Control 1Network Port Audioin/out 2RCA Audio Ins(Red RCA/White RCA) 2Mini Stereo JackIns 1Mini Stereo JackOut Wired LAN Standard: 10BASET /100 BASETX Connection: 1RJ45 A cce ssor ie s In clude d•Power Cords(US,UK,Europe) •VGA/RGB Cable •Wireless RemoteControlwithlaser pointer •Multilanguage Operator’sGuideCD •Free unlimited softwaredownloads andupdates available onour website atwww.3m.com/meetings Optio nalA cce sso ries• Ultra Value Enhanced Warranty(WX90) [U.S.Only] 78696999073 •Lamp Replacement Kit(LKX90) 78696998935 •Ceiling Mount(CMX90) 78696999057 •Universal CeilingMount 78696998745 •Soft Rolling Bag 78696999065 •Short Throw Lens 78696998901 •Long Throw Lens 78696998919 •Ultra Long Throw Lens 78696998927 Tec hni calSupp ort• Free unlimited softwaredownloads andupdates available onour website atwww.3m.com/meetings •Tollfree 24/7Technical Supportbycalling 8003281371 WOW,SRSand are tra dema rksofSR SLabs, Inc. WOW technolo gy is incorpo ratedunder license from SRSLabs, Inc. 3MT M Min im um Sys tem RequirementsSoftware Requirements: Microsoft®Windows®XPHome Edition or Windows 2000Professional Hardware Requirements: MinimumRAM:64MB 2000 /128M XP Hard Drive Space: 10MB CD: CDROMDrive Image Size 4:3eProjection Distance Minimum (m) Maximum (m) 47 (1.2 ) 7 1 (1.8 ) 1 20 (3.0) 1 81 (4.6) 2 41 (6.1) 3 63 (9.2) Screen Siz (Diagonal) 40 (1.0) 60 (1.5) 100 (2.5) 150 (3.8) 200 (5.1) 300 (7.6)5 7 (1.4 ) 8 6 (2.2 ) 1 44 (3.7) 2 17 (5.5) 2 91 (7.4) 4 37 (11. 1) Image Size 16:9 Projection Distance Minimum (m) Maximum (m) 51 (1.3 ) 78 (2.0 ) 131 (3 .3 ) 197 (5 .0 ) 263 (6 .7 ) 395 (10.0 )62 (1.6 ) 94 (2.4 ) 1 57 (4 .0 ) 237 (6 .0 ) 317 (8 .0 ) 476 (12.1 ) ©3M 2008. AllRig hts Reserved . V11.30.07 3MProjection Systems Note:Th ese size s are +10 perce nt. Th is is due tovaria tio ns intheman ufacture ofthe lens. If yo u are clos eto one of the en dp oint syo ush ou ld ver ify with yo ur unit th at theim ag e is the prope rsize atthe proper dis tan ce.