3M Multimedia Projector X90 Operators Manual
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41 SCREEN Menu Item Description MESSAGE8VLQJWKHxzEXWWRQVWXUQVRQRIIWKHPHVVDJHIXQFWLRQ TURN ON Ù TURN OFF When the TURN ON is selected, the following message function works. “AUTO IN PROGRESS” while automatically adjusting “NO INPUT IS DETECTED” “SYNC IS OUT OF RANGE” “Searching….” while searching for the input “Detecting….” while an input signal is detected The indication of the input signal displayed by changing The indication of the aspect ratio displayed by changing The indication of the...
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42 OPTION Menu OPTION Menu Item Description AUTO SEARCH 8VLQJWKHxzEXWWRQVWXUQVRQRIIWKHDXWRPDWLFVLJQDOVHDUFKIXQFWLRQ TURN ON Ù TURN OFF When the TURN ON is selected, detecting no signal automatically cycles through input ports in the following order. The search is started from the current port. Then when an input is found, the projector will stop searching and display the image. RGB 1 Ö RGB 2 Ö M1-D Ö COMPONENT Ö S-VIDEO Ö VIDEO AUTO KEYSTONE...
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43 Item Description AUTO OFF8VLQJWKHxzEXWWRQVDGMXVWVWKHWLPHWRFRXQWGRZQWR automatically turn the projector off. Long (max. 99 minutes) Ù Short (min. 0 minute = DISABLE) AUTO OFF ENABLE 1AUTO OFF DISABLE 0 When the time is set to 0, the projector is not turned off automatically. When the time is set to 1 to 99, and when the passed time with no- signal or an unsuitable signal reaches at the set time, the projector lamp will be turned off. If one of the projector's buttons or the remote...
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44 Item Description MY BUTTONThis item is to assign one of the following function to MY BUTTON 1 and 2 on the remote control ( 6). &KRRVHRURQWKH0
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45 Item Description SERVICEAUTO ADJUST 8VLQJWKHxzEXWWRQVHQDEOHVGLVDEOHVWKH automatic adjustment.When DISABLE is selected, the automatic adjustment feature is disabled, although rough adjustment is automatically performed depending on the basic setting. ENABLE Ù DISABLE • Depending on conditions, such as input image, signal cable to the projector, environment around the projector, etc., the automatic adjustment may not work correctly. In such a case, please choose DISABLE to disable the...
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46 Item Description SERVICEKEY LOCK 8VLQJ WKH xz EXWWRQV WXUQV RQRII WKH NH\ ORFN IHDWXUH :KHQ TURN ON is selected, the buttons on the projector except the STANDBY/ON button are locked. TURN ON Ù TURN OFF • Please use to avoid a mischief and touching accidentally. This function does not have any effect on the remote control. REMOTE RECEIV. 6HOHFWDUHPRWHVHQVRUXVLQJWKHxzEXWWRQ 1:FRONT Ù2:TOP Ù 3:REAR (2) Switch it using the ENTER button … (off) Ù; (on) • A sensor cannot...
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47 Item Description SECURITYThis projector is equipped with security functions. User registration is required before using the security functions. Please contact your local dealer. 1. Using Security Features 1.1 Inputting the PASSWORD 8VHWKHxzEXWWRQVRQWKH237,21 PHQXWRVHOHFW6(&85,7
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48 Item Description SECURITY1.3 If you have forgotten your PASSWORD 1.3-1 Follow the procedure in 1.1-1 to display the ENTER PASSWORD BOX. 1.3-2 While the ENTER PASSWORD BOX is displayed, press and hold the RESET button on the remote control for about 3 seconds or SUHVVDQGKROGWKH,1387DQGyEXWWRQVRQ the projector for about 3 seconds. The 10-digit Inquiring Code will be displayed. NOTE: If there is no key input for about 55 seconds while the Inquiring Code is displayed the menu will close....
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49 Item Description SECURITY 2.2-4 Move the cursor to the right side of the CHECK PASSWORD BOX and press the yEXWWRQWRGLVSOD\WKH3$66:25IRU about 20 seconds, please make note of the PASSWORD during this time. Pressing the ENTER button on the remote control or INPUT button on the projector will return to MyScreen PASS WORD on/off menu. When a PASSWORD is set for MyScreen: •The MyScreen registration function (and menu) will be unavailable. •The MyScreen Lock function (and menu) will be...
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50 Item Description SECURITY ,QSXWDSDUW3,1&RGHXVLQJWKHxz{y /RGB and INPUT buttons. A CONFIRMATION BOX will appear. Reenter the same PIN Code. This will complete the PIN Code registration. NOTE: If there is no key input for about 55 seconds while the PIN BOX or the CONFIRMATION BOX are displayed the menu will close. If necessary repeat the process from 3.1-1. Afterwards, anytime the projector is restarted after the power switch is turned off the PIN BOX will be displayed....