3M Digital Media System 815 Specifications
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3M ™ DigitalMediaSystems800l8\b0|8\b5WallMo unting System:Simple wallm ount ing system withbuilt in antith eftfe at ur es Spea kerSyst em:40Watts of Stereo Sur rou nd Sound TruS urro un dXT ®techn ology Exter nalR ece iv e r:All the capabilities andfeatu resof a dig ital whitebo ardbuiltin. (815 ON\f Y) Adjus table Ar m:Fo rscreen imag esiz es from \b0 to 8\b inch es diag onal 3M™D igital Medi aSystem s80 0 l810 l81\b \b 800 328\b3\f\b www .3m. com/ meetings Viku it i™Su per Clo se Pro je ctio n:Vir tu ally elim inates d istra ctin g sh ado ws KeyFeat ures ¥Tru eXGA (1024 x768) resolution ¥\bollyw ood Quality Video(\bQVTM) ¥Cab le Contr olSystem included ¥ Digitally draw &highlight onany proj ec ted ima ge (8 10 and 815 ON\f Y) ¥Virtu ally eliminates shadows andglare Digi tal Med iaSys tem 800 G rea tfo ruse with dig ital whiteb oards ortra dition alscre ens. In clu des: • XGA Project or •40 W\fpeaker Digita lMe dia Syste m 8\b0* Works with most dry erase boards or flat lig ht colored walls. Include s: •XGA Projector •40 W \fpeake r •Buil tin annot ationsensor •Pres entation Pen *N ot availab lein the Unit ed\ftates Digit al M ed iaSyste m 8\b5 Wo rks with most flatlight coloredwalls oralmost anydr yerase boards inclu ding those withmap rails. Includes: •XG AProjector • 40 W \fpeaker •\bxternal annotation sensor •Pres entation Pen Connections Computer 1–VG A 1– DV II/A (A nalog/Di gital) 2–3.5 mm Stereo MiniJack 1– USB A 1– USB B 1– Ether net1– RS2 32 1–Au dio out 3.5mm Stereo MiniJack Video 1 – Compone nt 1– Composite 1 – SV ideo 2 –RCA Audi oinput From classrooms toboardrooms, briefingroomsandbeyond, thenew 3MTMDigital MediaSystem 800Series with Vikuiti™SuperCloseProjection deliversmemorable presentations. Thesewallmounted systemsprojectfrom aboveonablank wall,screen orinteractive whiteboard fromavery short distance, virtuallyeliminating shadows andmaking iteasier tointeract withtheprojected image.TheDigital MediaSystem 800Series allowsforflexibility inroom layout andopens upspace, eliminating theneed forcarts or tables tohold equipment. TheDigital Media System 810and81\bcanturn almost anysurface intoadigital whiteboard orlarge interactive computerdisplay. \fuilt in Rece iver(8 10 ON \fY)

Impo rtant Notice Al lsta tem ents, technical informati on,and recommendations related to3M’s products are oninf or mation believed tobe rel ia ble, buttheaccur acyorcompl etenes sis not gu arantee d.Befor eusin gthi sproduc t,you must evaluate it and determine ifitis suit able foryour intend ed app licat ion.Yo uas sume allrisks and liabilit yasso ciated with such use. An ysta temen tsrelate dto the prod uctwhich arenotcontained in3M’s current publica tions, orany contr arystatem entscont ainedon your purchase ordershall have no force or effect unless expressly agree dupon, inwri ting, byan aut horiz edofficer of3M.War ranty; Limit edRem edy; Limited Liab ility Thisprod uctwil lb e fre efrom defec tsinmate ria land man ufact ure for aperiod stated on the packaging from thetimeof purchas e. 3M MAK ES NO OT\bER WARRANTIE SOR CONDITI ONS INC\f UDI NG, BUT NOT\fIM ITE DTO, ANY IMP\fIED WARR ANTY OF CONDITI ON OF MER C\bA NTABI \fITY OR FITNE SS FO RA PAR TIC U\fAR PURPOSE. Ifthis prod uctisdefe ctive with inthe warr anty pe riod stated above, your exclusi veremedy shall be,at 3M ’s opti on,toreplace orrep air the 3Mproduc tor refu nd the purchase priceofthe 3M prod uct.E xcep twhere proh ibited bylaw ,3M will not be lia bl e for any indirect, special, inci dental orcons equentia lloss ordama gearising from this 3M prod uct,regardless ofthe leg altheor yass erted. Specifications subject tochange with ou tnot ice. 3M ,the 3M logo andtheVikuit ilogo aretrad emar ksof3M Com pan y. Used under license in Can ad a. \fLP andthe \fLP logo aretr ad em arks ofTexas Instru men ts. SRS and the SRS symbol are tr adem arksor regist eredtrad emarks ofSR S Lab s,Inc. All ot her trade names referenced aretheser vice marks, tradem arks,or regis ter ed tr ad emar ksoftheir respective com panies . 3MVisual System s Build ing A147 5N01 6801Rive rPlace Blvd. Austi n,TX 787269000 System SpecificationsBrightn ess: 1500ANSI lumens Im ag er: Single0.7”D\fP™ imager Res olut ion: NativeXGA(1024 x768); Maxi mu mSXGA (12 80 x10 24) Asp ectrat io: Native4:3,16:9 supported Col ors: 16.7milliontrue colors (24 bit colo r) Cont rast rati o: 1300:1(full on, fulloff) Scr ee nsiz e(range): 50–85 inches diagonal (80 0& 815 ) 6082 inche sdiagon al(8 10) Im ag esize adju stme nt: Variableposition telescopi ng arm with 118% offset Fo cu s: Manual \fenstype: Viku iti ™Super Clo se Proj ection \fa mp type : VIP 230W \fa mp life : 2000hours(nor mal), 3000ho urs (E co mode) Spea kers: Builtin2x20W Stereo Surro und Soun dTruS urround XT ® C ompu tercom patibili ty: VGA /SVGA/XGA /SXGA/Mac Vid eo compat ibility: NTSC/PA\f/SECAM/SDTV/E DTV/\bDTV \bor izo ntal syn cfreque ncy: 15–82 k\bz Verti calsync freq uen cy: 50–85\bz Ke yst one corr ection : \borizontal+/30°; Vertical +/40° Po wer requ irem ents: 100–240 VAC, 50–60\bz Regulat oryappro vals: U\f,cU\f,TUV, CB,FCC cla ss A, CI SPR ,E N 60 95 0 C omp liance: WEEE,Ro\bS Oper ating tem peratu re: 10°Cto+35°C Stora ge: 30°Cto+65°C Oper ating alt itud e: 0to 5000 ft.,fan mode no rmal, 5C35C opera ting range ;500 07000 ft. , fa n mod ehigh, 5C 35 Copera ting range Deci bellevel: 34dB (32 Eco Mode) Dimensio ns Wx\bxD(D =arm in–ar m out) : 364 x610 x863 1 31 7m m, 14.3 x24. 0x34. 0–51 .8 in che s Weight: 15kgs ,33 lbs. W ar ranty: \fimited1year, 90days (500 hours)lamp Features¥Pic tu re inPic ture ¥Pic tu re andPic ture (sid eby side) ¥ \boll ywo odQual ityVide o–impro veslowqual ity video images ¥ Bla nk, Reveal ,Free ze,M ag nifyon remote control ¥Mouse emulat ion ¥ Cu stom image sett ing swith aut o save ¥ Cont ro lcable –fac ilita teseas ierconnection ofcomputer sand vid eo devices. Inc lud es on/ off button ¥ Aut o ima ge synch roniza tionwhen connecting ¥9\fang uage menu (Engli sh,Fre nch, Germ an, Spanish, Ital ian, Japa nese, Korean, Traditional Chines e,and Simpl ified Chinese) ¥Turn alm ost anysur face into an electronic whiteboar d(810 &815) Accessories Included1–VGA cable (3m) 1– DV Ito RGB cable(3m) 1– Com posite cable(3m) 1 – USB cable (3m) 1– 3.5m mSter eo Mini cab le(3m ) 3–Power cords(4.5m); (U.S.,U.K., Europe) 1– Rem ote cont rolwith ba tteries 1 – Dig ital pres entationpenwith batter y(810 &815) 1–W all mounti ngbrac ketwit hhar dware andmounting template 1– Cont rol CableOptional Accessories¥2nd Yea rExt ended Warranty 78696998 968 ¥ 3rd Year Ext ended Warranty 78696998 976 (mu st purc hase 2nd YearEx tended ) ¥In stalla tionservic e 7869699901 6 ¥Rep laceme ntlamp kit 7869699880 2 ¥Rep laceme ntre m ote cont ro l 78696998 99 2 ¥ Rep laceme ntpre se ntatio n pe n(8 10 &815) 78696997 770 3M™Digital MediaSystem 8\b0&8\b5 Interactive Whiteboard SoftwareFeatures ¥Unli mit ed softwa re use acro ssmultiple computer s–dow nlo ad forfr ee ¥N ono btru siv eann otatio n too ls ¥Easi lydraw orhighli ghton to p of any comp uter im ag e ¥Dig ital ly capt ure hand writt en not es in scr apboo k ¥Pre se nt inpower point and sav eallhandw rit te n cha nges as ima gesin powerp oint ¥ Sav ework invario us file form ats including asawebp age(JPE G,TIF F, \bTM\f, PD F, vec torPDF, BMP 256colo r, ESB, WBD)Power Point ®(ppt &pps) and met afile (emf). ¥ Capt ure custom snap shots from any cont ent or file and in sta ntly paste into scrapbook ¥ Brow segallery ofclip art and bac kgrounds or pas te im age sfrom other pro gramsint oscrap book ¥Rot ate and mov eob ject s ¥Ad dhyper lin ks to im age sto lin kto webpa ges ¥Reo rder and arra nge slidesinscrapbook andview thumb nailsof slides ¥ Mov eann otatio ntoo lsto any loc ation onthe scre en ¥\bide ann otatio n tools when not inuse ¥Work infullscre en mo de to eli minat edistrac ting too lb ar s ¥ Re veal informa tio n in any ord er wit hthe cov ersh eetor spot lig ht too l ¥Customiz esof twa re to ma tc h user prefere nce s ¥Int eract ive Disp lay—c ont ro lc omputer mousefun ctions with th e dig ital pr ese ntatio n pe neli min ating the need topres ent /teac hfrom the comp uter ¥ Conn ect with re mot epart icip ant swith built in re m ote collab ora tio nsoftware ¥ Re mot eloc ations ca ndraw and edittext ordrawing sreal tim e ¥Micros oft ®NetMeet ing/\fiv eMeet ing®compat ible ¥ Pla yb ac kfea tur e all ows youto rev iew alldrawi ngson the board including erased ite ms ¥Impo rtfile sfrom most comp uter prog ramsand annota te and save changes (P PT, B MP, GIF , JP EG, ICO, EMF, WMF, Microsof t ®,Exc el®,C lip bo ard file s) Micro soft®Word®(d oc &rtf) . Minimum SystemRequirements: Windows Operating Systems ¥Micros oft®Wind ows®c om patib le compu terwithPent ium II®400 Mhzproc esso r ¥Windo ws,2 000, 2003, a nd XP compatible (other platfo rm users may view shared meet ingsvia Java ™a pp let thro ughJava enabled Intern etbro wser) ¥10 MB availab lehard driv esp ac e ¥ 65 Kcolor SV GA or comp arab lehigh performa nce video card ¥CDR OM driv eor Int ern etconn ection (forsoftware installat ion) ¥ One availab leUSB port ¥ Int ern etconnec tion(for part icip ating insha reme eting s) Mac Operating Systems¥Mac OS X10.3. x ¥Po wer Mac G3,4 00 M\b z ¥192MB RAM ¥10 MB availab lehard driv esp ac e ¥ CDR OM driv eor int erne tconn ection (forsof twa rein st alla tion ) ¥One availab leUSB port ¥ Int ern etconnec tion(for part icip ating insha reme eting s) ©3M 2007 Allrig hts rese rved . V05.07786 97 0 86391 (12061.5)ii Con trolC ab le