3M Digital Media System 710 Specifications
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\bM ™ DigitalMediaSystems700l710 1800\b28 1\b71 www.\bm.c om/me etings Inc luded \fcce ssori es ¥Power cords(US, UK,Europe) ¥RGB /VGA compute rcable ¥ 3.5 minijack foraudio input ¥SVideo cable ¥Composite videoinputcable ¥ Compone ntvideo cable ¥ Remote control withbatteries included ¥Multilang uageOperator’s Guide ¥Soft, protective carrying casewith inside cable pocke ts ¥1Year Standard ValueWarranty The Digi tal Medi aSystems 700series features VikuitiTMSuper C lose Projectio nand Hollywood Qualit y Vi deo (HQVTM)fo ra 60" diagonal screenimagefromonlyabout \f0"away\b Or,use almost anysurface andgetup to a100" diagonal screenimagefromjust50" aw ay \bAn dwit h in te grated Dolby TMso und, your audience willhear theaction aswell assee it\bAfull complement of connecti vity options makestheuniteasy touse with other equipment insma llor large spaces\b \fM™Digi tal Med iaSystem s700 l71 0 From aprojection distanceof50", the projected screensizeis100" \fM Viku itiTMS uper Close Project ion:Large ima ge from ashort distanceÐ kee pingthe proj ector outofthe way Front Mount Con ne cto rs:Bett erorg ani zation of cab le s redu ces tab le clu tter Bu ilt in Sp eake rs &So un d:Pow erfu lD olb y\fM2.0 (700 ) or D olb y 5.1 (710) soun d add sto any pre senta tio n Space Savin gTe ch no logy Ge tlarger, morevib rant images from aslittle as \f0 "away\b From aprojection distanceof\f0", the projected screensizeis60" Built i n DVD Playe r (7 10 only) :Conven ient re ar fee d USB Media Rea der :\bo nee dfora PC con necti on to ma kea .jpg pre sentati on Ð grea tfo r mo bile so lu tio ns 60”100” 30” 50”

Important Notice Allstat ements, technicalinf ormation, andrecommendations related to 3Ms products areoninfo rmation believed tobe reliable, butthe accuracy orcomplet enessis not guara nteed. Before using thisproduct ,you must evaluate itand deter mine ifitis su itabl eforyour intende dappli cation. Youassume allrisks andliability associated with such use. Any statement srel ated to the product whicharenotcont ained in3Ms cur rentpu blications, orany contrary statements containedonyour purchase ordershall haveno for ce oreffect unless expressly agreed upon, inwriting, byan authorized officer of3M.War ran ty; Lim ited Remed y;Limit edLiabilit y Thisprod uct willbefree from defects inmaterial andmanufactur efor aperi od of 1 ye ar from thetimeof pur chase. 3MMAK ES NO OT\bE RWA RRANTIE SOR CO ND ITIO NS INC\fUDING, BUTNOT \fIMITE DTO, ANY IMP\fIED WARRANTY OFCO NDITI ON OF MER C\bA NTABI\fITY ORFITNES SFO RAPARTICU\fA RPURPOSE .If thi s pro du ct is defective withinthewarr anty period stated above, yourexclusive reme dysha ll b e, at 3M sop tion, toreplace orrep airthe 3M product orrefund thepur chas epric e of the 3M prod uct.Excep twhere prohibitedbylaw ,3M willnot beliable forany in di re ct, sp ec ial , incid ental oronseq uential lossordamag ear ising from this 3Mprod uct, regard les sof the legal theory asserted. Specifications subject tochange withoutnotice. 3M,the3Mlogoand theVikuiti logoare trad emarks of3M Comp any.Used under license inCanad a.DLP andtheDLP logoare tradem arksof\fexas Instrum ents.SRS andtheSRS sym bol are trad em arks orreg ister edtradem arksofSRS Labs, Inc.All other trad enam esreferenced arethe service marks,trad emarks, orregistered trad emarks oftheir respective companies. \bMVisualSyst ems Buil ding A1475N01 6801 Riv er Place Blvd. Aus tin, TX787269000 Turn \flmost \fnyEnvironmen tInt oaHighPerfo rmanceMu lt im edi aCenter When you need worldclass audio/vid eocap abilities foronth ego presentati ons,moviesorgami ng,3Ms versatile, portable Di gita lMedi aSy stem 700 seriesdel ivers. With \bQV images upto100 andtheflexibility of nativ e4:3 orsup ported 16:9 aspect ratios that match mostvideo formats, youllenjoy distortionfree visualswith cons istent brightnes s, contras tand uniformity from virtuall yany view ing angl e. Short throw projecti ontechnol ogyputs your equipment nearthescreen, eliminati ngcord clutter andnoisyequi pment thatdistracts from yourpresentation. Integrated highq uality stereo completesyourmultimedi aexperi ence. Optical Resolution: Native,TrueXGA (1024 x768) Imager: Onepanel 0.7D\fP projection system AspectRatio: 4:3native and16:9 supported Colors: 16.7million truecolors (24bit) Brightness: 1500ANSI lumens –optimal for Vikuiti ™SuperCloseProjection Contrast Ratio: 1300:1 Projectionlens: Manuallyadjustable focus, 130%offset, F2.4 Projection ImageSize: From40to100 Digital Zoom: Excellentqualityzooming fromx4tox32 Throw Ratio: VikuitiSuper CloseProjection Engine \fampPower: 230W \famp\fife: 2000hours (avg)at230W Sy stem Specif ica tions Video Compatibility: NTSC,PA\f,SECAM, SDTV,EDTV, \bDTV, \bDCP, SVideo, Component, Composite PCCompatibility: VGA/SVGA/XGA/SXGA/MAC ElectricalKeystone Correction: \borizontal:+/30degree; Vertical: +/40degree Cooling System: 4fans withtemperature controlcircuits Noise\fevel: \fowsytem acoustic noiselevel Operating Temperature: 10°Cto35°C Storage Temperature: 30°Cto65°C Power Supply: 100240V;50\bz/60\bz SafetyRegulatory Approvals: U\f,cU\f, TUV,CB,JapanSmark, Mexico NOM EMCRegulation: FCCClass B,CE Class B,CCC forChina Environmental Regulations: Ro\bSandWEEE compliant Power Consumption: 288WMax SoundSyst em Builtin Dolby2.0Sound (700)/(2) 2.5W speakers Builtin Dolby5.1Sound (710)/(3) 2.5W, (2)1.5W and(1)5W subwoofer USBReader Flash DriveCompatible USBMedia Reader for.jpg presentations DVD Player Builtin digitalDVDplayer (710only) OtherFea tures ¥Front access input/output interface ¥Easytoread andoperate controlbuttons andremote control ¥Adjustable feetforvarious platforms ¥Auto image synchronization ¥Automatically savesuseradjustments ¥Onscreen menuin9languages ¥ Kensington SecuritySlot ¥Two IRreceiver windows (frontandrear) Dimension s 13.5(W)x12.7 (D)x6.1 (\b) 343.5mm (W)x321.6mm (D)x155.3mm (\b) Weight 700: 9.9lbsor4.5kg 710: 10.6lbsor4.8kg Optional \fccessories ¥2ndYear Extended Warranty 78696998950 ¥3rdYear Extended Warranty 78696998984 ¥Replacement lampkit 78696998810 ¥Universal ceilingmount 78696998745 ¥Additional backpackstyle carryingbag 78696999008 ¥Replacement RemoteControl 78696999024 PR OJ ECT ION PROJECTORDIST\fNCE SCRE EN SIZ E FROMSCREEN 40"(101\b 6cm ) 19\b8"(50\b\f cm) 50" (127\b 0cm ) 24\b8"(62\b9 cm) 60" (152\b 4cm ) 29\b7"(75\b5 cm) 70" (177\b 8cm ) \f4\b7"(88\b1 cm) 80" (20\f\b 2cm ) \f9\b 6" (100\b7 cm) 90" (228\b 6cm ) 44\b 6" (11\f\b2 cm) 100" (254\b 0cm ) 49\b5"(1 25\b8 cm) ©\fM 200 6 V070\f06 78697086\f8\f