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Tascam User Manuals

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Tascam User Manuals
.. . .  . . . . .  . . . . .  . . . . .  . . . . .  . . .INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS
SOFTWARE LEVEL: Your TM-D1000 MUST be at software level 1.18 or higherfor this option to work properly.  To check your software revision level:
Power up the TM-D1000.
1) Press SHIFT and MEMO. The display should read:
2) Push DATA ENTRY button downwards 4 times until “SYSTEM” appears.
3) Rotate “DATA ENTRY(PUSH)” knob clockwise until the version appears.
If the software version is LESS than 1.18, the...
                                                    panel inputs and
outputs readily inter-
connect the TASCAM
32 with a wide array
of studio gear: mixing
consoles, video
editing suites, and
multitrack recorders.
Recording &
A straightforward, no-nonsense design makes setting up the
TASCAM 32 simple: spool up a reel, calibrate VU levels with
your source, and roll tape. Dual/concentric input and output
controls allow you to set with ease. Bright, color-coded
LEDs report record-ready status for each track, and...
Portable Stereo Audio Recorder
Portable Stereo Audio Recorder
»                     HD-P2 Quick Start Guide
First Recording
Apply power
Connect  the AC  power  adaptor  to  your  HD-P2;  turn 
it  ON  by  momentarily  pressing  the  spring-loaded 
p o w e r   s w i t c h .   T h e   H D - P 2   w i l l   p o w e r   u p 
i m m e d i a t e l y.  T h e  H D - P 2 ’s  o p e r a t i n g  s y s t e m  i s 
stored  in  internal  memory,  not  the  CF  card,  so  you 
can turn on the HD-P2 without a CF card inserted.
Adjust the Display
Press  the DISPLAY  key.  Turn...
»                     HD-P2 Quick Start Guide
First Recording
Apply power
Connect  the AC  power  adaptor  to  your  HD-P2;  turn 
it  ON  by  momentarily  pressing  the  spring-loaded 
p o w e r   s w i t c h .   T h e   H D - P 2   w i l l   p o w e r   u p 
i m m e d i a t e l y.  T h e  H D - P 2 ’s  o p e r a t i n g  s y s t e m  i s 
stored  in  internal  memory,  not  the  CF  card,  so  you 
can turn on the HD-P2 without a CF card inserted.
Adjust the Display
Press  the DISPLAY  key.  Turn...
                                                    ‰             HD-P2 Field Reference Card
Menu Shortcuts
PROJECT  goes  directly  to  the  Settings  screen  of  the currently loaded project
DISPLAY  toggles  through  brightness  &  contrast  adjust using the DATA wheel
MENU+SELECT goes directly to the Files screen of the currently loaded project
MENU+PROJECT  goes  directly  to  the  Change/New Project screen
MENU+DISPLAY goes directly to the System Menu
MENU+TIMECODE  goes  directly  to  the  Timecode Settings screen of the currently loaded project...
                                                    ‰             HD-P2 Field Reference Card
Menu Shortcuts
PROJECT  goes  directly  to  the  Settings  screen  of  the currently loaded project
DISPLAY  toggles  through  brightness  &  contrast  adjust using the DATA wheel
MENU+SELECT goes directly to the Files screen of the currently loaded project
MENU+PROJECT  goes  directly  to  the  Change/New Project screen
MENU+DISPLAY goes directly to the System Menu
MENU+TIMECODE  goes  directly  to  the  Timecode Settings screen of the currently loaded project...
                                                    High Resolution Digital Audio Interface Unit
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the pres-
ence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature
accompanying  the  appliance. The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral...
                                                    Installation Instructions
                                       7733 T elegraph R oad   •    Montebello , CA  90640    •    (323)  726-0303    •   http://www .tascamcontr actor.comAll features and  specifications are subject to  change without notice.  Contact y our local TASCAM representativ e for the latest  information.Page 1 of 2IF-P6500_instructions.pdf061903
This sheet explains  the functions  of the IF-P6500.   For 
detailed  instructions on the  DV-D6500,...
                                                    Technical Documentation
TA SCAMs IF-DA8 is an eight channel TDIF to Analog con verter .Two TDIF ports are pro vided on the IF-DA8.  The dual port designallows the box to act as either the end of a chain, pro viding an analog output to a TDIF line, or it can be connected between two TDIF devices, allowing them to communicate to each other freely , yet split off an analog cop y of one devices signal.  The IF-DA8 was built with extremely high qualit y converters for the best sound qualit y possible,...
Interface Format Converter 
                                                    Technical Documentation
TA SCAMs  LA-40mkII w as built with the same top notch line lev el converters  as the  LA-80 a nd LA-81, but combines both directions of  conversion in onebo x.   Fine tuning trim pots are accessed on the front panel, off ering ±6dB adjustment on individual outputs.   Ground lift controls  are available  on each channel or globally f or eliminating ground loops.  A channel link ma trix on the bottom  of the LA-40mkII allows channels to be  linked, utilizing the  line amp...
                                                    Technical Documentation
LA-80 & LA-81
TA SCAMs LA -80 and LA -81 line lev el converter bo xes werebuilt for studio qualit y conversion between balanced andunbalanced line lev els, offering the best integr ation of alltypes of equipment.  Fine tuning trim pots are accessed onthe front panel, offering  ±6dB adjustment on individualoutputs.  Ground lift controls are a vailable on each channelor globally for eliminating ground loops.  On the bottom of the LA -80 is a channel link matrix that allows channels...
                                                    Technical Documentation
LA-80 & LA-81
TA SCAMs LA -80 and LA -81 line lev el converter bo xes werebuilt for studio qualit y conversion between balanced andunbalanced line lev els, offering the best integr ation of alltypes of equipment.  Fine tuning trim pots are accessed onthe front panel, offering  ±6dB adjustment on individualoutputs.  Ground lift controls are a vailable on each channelor globally for eliminating ground loops.  On the bottom of the LA -80 is a channel link matrix that allows channels...
                                                    Technical Documentation
                                       7733 Telegraph R oad    •   Montebello , CA 90640    •   (323) 726-0303    •   http://www .tascam.comAll features and specifications are subject to change without notice.  C\
ontact y our local TASCAM representativ e for the latest information.
The M-08s simplicit y, portabilit y, and affordable price point mak e it a perfect fit for a number of different applications.
Portable PA - One Man BandMany music acts in bars, lounges and small...