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Sharp Recorder User Manuals

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Sharp Recorder User Manuals
                                                    PORTABLE MINIDISC
Thank you for purchasing this SHARP product.
For the best performance, read this manual carefully.
It will guide you in operating your SHARP product.
MT877HIf you require any advice or assistance regarding
your Sharp product, please visit our web-site
www.sharp.co.uk/support.Customers without internet access may telephone08705 274277 during office hours (or (01) 676 0648
if telephoning from Ireland).OPERATION MANUAL 
                                                    PORTABLE MINIDISC
Thank you for purchasing this SHARP product.
For the best performance, read this manual carefully.
It will guide you in operating your SHARP product.
MT877HIf you require any advice or assistance regarding
your Sharp product, please visit our web-site
www.sharp.co.uk/support.Customers without internet access may telephone08705 274277 during office hours (or (01) 676 0648
if telephoning from Ireland).OPERATION MANUAL