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Samsung User Manuals

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Samsung User Manuals
PICO Projector
User Manual
The color and the appearance of the product may differ 
from the illustrations in this  manual. The specifications are 
subject to change without prior notice to improve 
                                                    OWNERS INSTRUCTIONS
Owners Instructions
                                                    OWNERS INSTRUCTIONS
Owners Instructions
DLP Home Theater Projector
Once the neighbors see this, you’ll never be able to watch 
a movie alone again. It’s the new Samsung H710AE home 
theater  projector.  And  it’s  the  first  brand  of  DLP  projector 
that’s  able  to  rival  the  natural  colors  of  a  CRT  projector. 
It’s also a part of the only line of projectors that accurately 
reproduces  NTSC  and  ATSC  broadcast  standard  colors. 
Contrast  is  exceptional,  thanks  to  innovative  Samsung 
engineering that results in...
DLP Home Theater Projectors
Something  exciting  is  coming  to  the  big  screen.  The  
new  Samsung  home  theater  projectors.  They’re  the 
first  brand  of  DLP  projectors  that  can  rival  the  natural 
colors and distortion-free images of a CRT, accurately 
reproducing  NTSC  and  ATSC  broadcast  standard 
colors.  Innovative  Samsung  engineering  results  in  the 
deepest  black  levels  of  any  digital  projector  on  the 
market,  for  exceptional  contrast.  And  they...
                                                    Portable projection with power and precision 
                                                    SP-M200 SP-M220 SP-M250
LCD Projector
Owner’s Instructions
The color and the appearance of the product may differ 
from the illustrations in this manual. The specifications are 
subject to change without prior notice to improve 
                                                    SP-M200 SP-M220 SP-M250
LCD Projector
Owner’s Instructions
The color and the appearance of the product may differ 
from the illustrations in this manual. The specifications are 
subject to change without prior notice to improve 
                                                    imaginequality you can see and hold
pocket imager projector delivers powerful per-
formance with state-of-the-art DLP technology
packed into a compact design
Display device
Screen Format
Power Input
Power Adaptor
Power Consumption
Contrast Ratio
Light Source
Lamp Life Time
Scan System
PC Input
Blue Screen
Multi Language
Multi Format
Plug & Play
Picture Mode
Zoom Lens
Lens Focus
Focus Range
Lens Shift
Throw Ratio
Image Size (inches)
PC Input (15pin...