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Samsung User Manuals

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Samsung User Manuals
User Manual
English (HK). 11/2014. Rev.1.1  
                                                    Advanced Printing
Using Overlays
What is an Overlay?
An overlay is text and/or images stored in the computer hard 
disk drive (HDD) as a special file format that can be printed on 
any document. Overlays are often used to take the place of 
preprinted forms and letterhead paper. Rather than using 
preprinted letterhead, you can create an overlay containing the 
exact same information that is currently on your letterhead. To 
print a letter with your company’s letterhead, you do not need 
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                                                    User’s Guide
Monochrome Laser Printer
Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals 
                                                    ML-1640 Series
ML-2240 Series
Mono Laser Printer
User’s Guide
imagine the possibilities
Thank you for purchasing a Samsung product. 
Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals 
                                                    ML-1640 Series
ML-2240 Series
Mono Laser Printer
User’s Guide
imagine the possibilities
Thank you for purchasing a Samsung product. 
Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals 
                                                    ML-1640 Series
ML-2240 Series
Mono Laser Printer
User’s Guide
imagine the possibilities
Thank you for purchasing a Samsung product. 
Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals 
                                                    ML-167x Series
Mono Laser Printer
User’s Guide
imagine the possibilities
Thank you for purchasing a Samsung product. 
Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals 
                                                    ML-167x Series
Mono Laser Printer
User’s Guide
imagine the possibilities
Thank you for purchasing a Samsung product. 
Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals 
                                                    ML-167x Series
Mono Laser Printer
User’s Guide
imagine the possibilities
Thank you for purchasing a Samsung product. 
Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals 
                                                    ML-167x Series
Mono Laser Printer
User’s Guide
imagine the possibilities
Thank you for purchasing a Samsung product. 
Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals 
                                                    ML-167x Series
Mono Laser Printer
User’s Guide
imagine the possibilities
Thank you for purchasing a Samsung product. 
Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals 
                                                    ML-1860 Series
ML-1865 Series
Mono Laser Printer
User’s Guide
imagine the possibilities
Thank you for purchasing a Samsung product. 
Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals 
                                                    ML-1860 Series
ML-1865 Series
Mono Laser Printer
User’s Guide
imagine the possibilities
Thank you for purchasing a Samsung product. 
Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals 
                                                    ML-1860 Series
ML-1865 Series
Mono Laser Printer
User’s Guide
imagine the possibilities
Thank you for purchasing a Samsung product. 
Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals 
                                                    ML-1860 Series
ML-1865 Series
Mono Laser Printer
User’s Guide
imagine the possibilities
Thank you for purchasing a Samsung product. 
Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals 
                                                    ML-1860 Series
ML-1865 Series
Mono Laser Printer
User’s Guide
imagine the possibilities
Thank you for purchasing a Samsung product. 
Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals