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NEC Projector User Manuals

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NEC Projector User Manuals
M Series
M282X, M322X, M322W and M402X digital projectors
Easy to use and at the right price, M Series projectors 
using the latest DLP® technology from Texas Instruments 
provide all the essential features that you need to 
connect with your audience.
Essential Features for 
Educational Facilities
• Plug and Play intuitive setup and operation
•  Bright images easily viewed in any application
•  Versatile, color-coded connections to 
computer, video sources and external monitor
User’s Manual
The  M302WS,  M402W,  M362W,  and  M362X  are  not  distributed  in 
North America. 
Model No.
NP-M402W,  NP-M362W,  NP-M322W,  NP-M402X,  NP-M362X,  NP-
M322X, NP-M282X, NP-M352WS, NP-M302WS,  NP-M332XS 
User’s Manual
The  M403W,  M303WS  and  M323H  are  not  distributed  in  North 
Model No.
NP-M403W,  NP-M363W,  NP-M323W,  NP-M403X,  NP-M363X,  NP-
M323X, NP-M283X, NP-M353WS, NP-M303WS,  NP-M333XS, NP-
M403H, NP-M323H 
User’s Manual
The  M403W,  M303WS  and  M323H  are  not  distributed  in  North 
Model No.
NP-M403W,  NP-M363W,  NP-M323W,  NP-M403X,  NP-M363X,  NP-
M323X, NP-M283X, NP-M353WS, NP-M303WS,  NP-M333XS, NP-
M403H, NP-M323H 
                                                    NEC 030446
For more information, call (800) NECINFO or visit www.necvisualsystems.com
NEC is a registered trademark of NEC Corporation.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.All specifications subject to change without notice.
NEC Solutions (America), Inc.
Visual Systems Division1250 Arlington Heights Rd., Suite 400Itasca, IL 601431248
MT1065and MT1060R
MT1065XGA, 3,200 ANSI
MT1060RXGA, 2,500 ANSI
                                                    NEC 030446
For more information, call (800) NECINFO or visit www.necvisualsystems.com
NEC is a registered trademark of NEC Corporation.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.All specifications subject to change without notice.
NEC Solutions (America), Inc.
Visual Systems Division1250 Arlington Heights Rd., Suite 400Itasca, IL 601431248
MT1065and MT1060R
MT1065XGA, 3,200 ANSI
MT1060RXGA, 2,500 ANSI
                                                    Easy to use and at the right price, 
M Series projectors provide all the 
essential features that you need 
for brilliant display  in classrooms 
and meeting rooms while 
providing low cost of ownership 
with minimal maintenance.
Essential Features for Educational Facilities
• Plug and Play intuitive setup and operation
•  Bright images easily viewed in any application
•  Versatile, color-coded connections to computer, video sources and 
external monitor
•  Automatic keystone correction technology...
                                                    Easy to use and at the right price, 
M Series projectors provide all the 
essential features that you need 
for brilliant display  in classrooms 
and meeting rooms while 
providing low cost of ownership 
with minimal maintenance.
Essential Features for Educational Facilities
• Plug and Play intuitive setup and operation
•  Bright images easily viewed in any application
•  Versatile, color-coded connections to computer, video sources and 
external monitor
•  Automatic keystone correction technology...
                                                    Easy to use and at the right price, 
M Series projectors provide all the 
essential features that you need 
for brilliant display  in classrooms 
and meeting rooms while 
providing low cost of ownership 
with minimal maintenance.
Essential Features for Educational Facilities
• Plug and Play intuitive setup and operation
•  Bright images easily viewed in any application
•  Versatile, color-coded connections to computer, video sources and 
external monitor
•  Automatic keystone correction technology...
                                                    Easy to use and at the right price, 
M Series projectors provide all the 
essential features that you need 
for brilliant display  in classrooms 
and meeting rooms while 
providing low cost of ownership 
with minimal maintenance.
Essential Features for Educational Facilities
• Plug and Play intuitive setup and operation
•  Bright images easily viewed in any application
•  Versatile, color-coded connections to computer, video sources and 
external monitor
•  Automatic keystone correction technology...
                                                    Easy to use and at the right price, 
M Series projectors provide all the 
essential features that you need 
for brilliant display  in classrooms 
and meeting rooms while 
providing low cost of ownership 
with minimal maintenance.
Essential Features for Educational Facilities
• Plug and Play intuitive setup and operation
•  Bright images easily viewed in any application
•  Versatile, color-coded connections to computer, video sources and 
external monitor
•  Automatic keystone correction technology...
                                                    Easy to use and at the right price, 
M Series projectors provide all the 
essential features that you need 
for brilliant display  in classrooms 
and meeting rooms while 
providing low cost of ownership 
with minimal maintenance.
Essential Features for Educational Facilities
• Plug and Play intuitive setup and operation
•  Bright images easily viewed in any application
•  Versatile, color-coded connections to computer, video sources and 
external monitor
•  Automatic keystone correction technology...
                                                    Easy to use and at the right price, 
M Series projectors provide all the 
essential features that you need 
for brilliant display  in classrooms 
and meeting rooms while 
providing low cost of ownership 
with minimal maintenance.
Essential Features for Educational Facilities
• Plug and Play intuitive setup and operation
•  Bright images easily viewed in any application
•  Versatile, color-coded connections to computer, video sources and 
external monitor
•  Automatic keystone correction technology...
                                                    Professional Installation Projectors
PH Series 
Mobile Projectors
NP Value Series  
NP100 and NP200 digital projectors 
Affordable with essential features, NP mobile 
projectors are designed to provide brilliant display of 
information in meeting and conference rooms.
° Bright images can be easily viewed in most  
° High contrast images from the latest Texas  
   Instruments DLP® engine featuring BrilliantColor™ 
   technology with improved color accuracy
° Color-coded and clearly...
                                                    Powerful installation projectors equipped to take on the most demanding
integration projects.
°Brightenough for most any application:  3500 ANSI (NP1000) and 4000 ANSI (NP2000).
Vertical and horizontal lens shiftenables flexible projector placement.
Complete line of optional bayonet style lensesallow for a quick and easy lens change.
Geometric correctiontool allows you to project on spheres, cylinders, corner angles and more.
Flexible video connectionsincluding...