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NEC User Manuals

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NEC User Manuals
Portable Projector
User’s Manual
The projectors model name indicated on the projectors label is VT700
and VT700G respectively.
All two models are referred to as VT700 throughout the users manual
except some of the specifications pages. 
                                                    VT770. desktop and installation projector.
Pound per pound, the VT770 is the most powerful projector in
its class. Your spectators will be ringside to see how brilliantly
you can knock out your presentation.
It’s simple. You are on top. 
it’s simple...
easy to use and provides pure power.
Arenas change. Whether you are working with your 5th grade
classroom or having a brainstorm session with your team in the
office, you have to provide your audience with an engaging and
powerful message that keeps them...
                                                    Portable Projector
User’s Manual 
Easy-to-use network-ready projector boasting essential 
features you need to connect with your audience.
° Remote diagnostics enable the user to monitor and 
   make adjustments to the projector remotely
° Image Express Utility (IEU 2.0; compatible with 
   Windows or Mac operating systems) dedicated 
   projector software provides wired data transmission 
   over the network
° Integrated RJ45 connection for quick connection to 
   the LAN (10/100 base-T...
Portable Projector
User’s Manual 
                                                    NEC 030314
For more information, call (800) NEC-INFO 
or visit www.necvisualsystems.com
NEC is a registered trademark of NEC Corporation.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
All specifications subject to change without notice.
NEC Solutions (America), Inc.
Visual Systems Division
1250 Arlington Heights Rd., Suite 500
Itasca, IL 60143-1248
WT600OpticalPanel Single chip 12 degree DMDResolution 1024x768 pixels native up to UXGA with Advanced AccuBlendOptical display Aspheric...
User’s Manual 
                                                    NEC WT Series Projectors
Revolutionary lensless
Eye catching design
Installation flexibility100 image size at less than
26 throw
Fits in incredible small
Extensive ConnectionsWT610
Goes where no projector has gone before
Smart designs enable versatile actions.
°Space saving design.Achieve up to a 100” diagonal image from 25.95” away from
the screen.
°Designed to fitinto the smallest of rooms.°Network connectivity.Communicate with the projector with or without wires through
an existing...
                                                    NEC WT Series Projectors
Revolutionary lensless
Eye catching design
Installation flexibility100 image size at less than
26 throw
Fits in incredible small
Extensive ConnectionsWT610
Goes where no projector has gone before
Smart designs enable versatile actions.
°Space saving design.Achieve up to a 100” diagonal image from 25.95” away from
the screen.
°Designed to fitinto the smallest of rooms.°Network connectivity.Communicate with the projector with or without wires through
an existing...
User’s Manual
The WT615 projector is not distributed in the U.S.A or Canada. 
                                                    NEC WT Series Projectors
Revolutionary lensless
Eye catching design
Installation flexibility100 image size at less than
26 throw
Fits in incredible small
Extensive ConnectionsWT610
Goes where no projector has gone before
Smart designs enable versatile actions.
°Space saving design.Achieve up to a 100” diagonal image from 25.95” away from
the screen.
°Designed to fitinto the smallest of rooms.°Network connectivity.Communicate with the projector with or without wires through
an existing...
User’s Manual
The WT615 projector is not distributed in the U.S.A or Canada. 
User’s Manual
The WT615 projector is not distributed in the U.S.A or Canada. 
                                                    FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS 
Xen Alpha™
Xen Alpha™Xen Alpha™ Xen Alpha™
NEC Australia Pty Ltd
Release 1.0
February 2000 
                                                    INSTALLATION MANUAL
Xen Alpha™
Xen Alpha™Xen Alpha™ Xen Alpha™
NEC Australia Pty Ltd
Release 1.0
April 2000 
                                                    ANALOGUE TELEPHONE USER GUIDE