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Epson Projector User Manuals

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Epson Projector User Manuals
                                                    PowerLite® Pro G5550NL
MultiMedia Projector
Brilliant performance meets precision control.
the Powerlite Pro G5550Nl offers the ultimate projection solution for any auditorium or boardroom, even 
in ambient light. it ensures amazing image quality with 4500 lumens color and white light output,
1 XGa 
resolution and c
2Fine™ technology. engineered to integrate with both iP and rS-232, the G5550Nl works 
with industry-leading devices, offers easy remote monitoring and control functionality using epson’s...
G5950NL Multimedia Projector
User’s Guide 
                                                    PowerLite® Pro G5650W
Brilliant widescreen performance  meets precision control.
The PowerLite Pro G5650W offers the ultimate projection solution for any auditorium or boardroom, even in 
ambient light. Now included with a standard lens, it provides amazing image quality with 4500 lumens color 
and white light output
1, WXGA (1280 x 800) resolution and C2Fine™ technology. Engineered to integrate 
with both IP and RS-232, the G5650W works with industry-leading devices,\
 allows easy...
                                                    PowerLite® Pro G5650WNL
MultiMedia Projector
Brilliant wi\fescreen per\bormance  meets precision control
the Powerl\fte Pro G5\b50WNl offers the ult\fmate project\fon solut\fon f\ror any aud\ftor\fum or b\roardroom, even 
\fn amb\fent l\fght. it ensures amaz\fng \fmage qual\r\fty w\fth 4500 lumens \rcolor and wh\fte l\fgh\rt output
1, WXGa
(1280 x 800) resolut\fon and c
2F\fne™ technology. eng\fneered to \fntegrate w\fth\r both iP and rS-232, the 
G5\b50WNl works w\fth \fndustry\r-lead\fng dev\fces,...
G5950NL Multimedia Projector
User’s Guide 
PowerLite® Pro G5750WU
Premium projection solution with Full HD,
WUXGA resolution and precision control.
The PowerLite Pro G5750WU offers the ultimate projection solution for any auditorium or boardroom, 
even in ambient light. Now included with a standard lens, it provides amazing image quality with 4500 
lumens color and white light output,
1 Full HD, WUXGA (1920 x 1200) resolution and C2Fine™ technology. 
Engineered to integrate with both IP and RS-232, the...
PowerLite® Pro G5450WUNL/G5750WUNL
Quick Reference
Epson, Instant Off, and Quick Corner are registered trademarks and Epson Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark of Seiko Epson Corporation. PowerLite and PrivateLine are registered trademarks of Epson America, Inc.
General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. Epson disclaims any and all rights in those marks. 
This information is subject to change without...
                                                    PowerLite® Pro G5750WUNL
MultiMedia Projector
Premium projection solution with full HD,WUXGA resolution and precision control.
the Powerlite Pro G5750WuNl offers the ultimate projection solution for any auditorium or boardroom, 
even in ambient light. it ensures amazing image quality with 4500 lumens color and white light output,
1 full 
Hd, WuXGa (1920 x 1200) resolution and c
2Fine™ technology. engineered to integrate with both iP and 
rS-232, the G5750WuNl works with industry-leading devices, offers...
G5950NL Multimedia Projector
User’s Guide 
                                                    PowerLite® Pro G5950
Ultra bright performance meets precision control.
The PowerLite Pro G5950 offers the ultimate projection solution for any auditorium or boardroom, even 
in ambient light. Now included with a standard lens, it provides amazing image quality with 5200 lumens 
color and white light output
1, XGA resolution and C2Fine™ technology. Engineered to integrate with both 
IP and RS-232, the G5950 works with industry-leading devices, allows eas\
y remote monitoring and...
PowerLite® Pro G5550NL/G5650WNL/G5950NL
Quick Reference
Epson, Instant Off, and Quick Corner are registered trademarks and Epson Exceed Your Vision is a registered logomark of Seiko Epson Corporation. PowerLite and PrivateLine are registered trademarks of Epson America, Inc.
General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. Epson disclaims any and all rights in those marks. 
This information is subject to change without...
                                                    PowerLite® Pro G5950NL
MultiMedia Projector
Ultra brig\ft perform\ga\bce meets precisio\b co\btrol.
the Powerl\fte Pro G5\b50Nl offers the ult\fmate project\fon solut\fon f\ror any aud\ftor\fum or b\roardroom, even 
\fn amb\fent l\fght. it ensures amaz\fng \fmage qual\ft\ry w\fth 5200 lumens \rcolor and wh\fte l\fght\r output
1, XGa 
resolut\fon and c
2F\fne™ technology. eng\fneered to \fntegrate w\fth \rboth iP and rS-232, the G5\b50Nl works 
w\fth \fndustry-lead\fng\r dev\fces, allows eas\ry remote...
G5950NL Multimedia Projector
User’s Guide 
                                                    PowerLite® Pro G6050W/6150/6450WU/ 
6550WU/6750WU/6800/6900WU 3LCD Projectors
The premium large-venue projectors from Epson.
3  x Brighter Colors 1, and reliable performance — 3LCD, 3-chip technology
One measurement of brightness is not enough — look for both high color brightness and high 
white brightness. The Pro G Series has: 
  Color Brightness: 4500 up to 7000 lumens 
  White Brightness: 4500 up to 7000 lumens 
Crisp, clear resolution — XGA, WXGA or WUXGA for incredible images 
Six optional...
                                                    PowerLite® Pro G6050WNL/6150NL/6450WUNL/6550WUNL/ 
 6750WUNL/6800NL/6900WUNL 3LCD Projectors
The premium large-venue projectors from Epson.
3 x Brighter Colors  1, and reliable performance — 3LCD, 3-chip technology
One measurement of brightness is not enough — look for both high color brightness and high 
white brightness. The Pro G Series has: 
 Color Brightness: 4500 up to 7000 lumens

 White Brightness: 4500 up to 7000 lumens

Crisp, clear resolution — XGA, WXGA or WUXGA for incredible...
                                                    PowerLite® Pro G6050W/6150/6450WU/ 
6550WU/6750WU/6800/6900WU 3LCD Projectors
The premium large-venue projectors from Epson.
3  x Brighter Colors 1, and reliable performance — 3LCD, 3-chip technology
One measurement of brightness is not enough — look for both high color brightness and high 
white brightness. The Pro G Series has: 
  Color Brightness: 4500 up to 7000 lumens 
  White Brightness: 4500 up to 7000 lumens 
Crisp, clear resolution — XGA, WXGA or WUXGA for incredible images 
Six optional...