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Christie Digital Systems Projector User Manuals

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Christie Digital Systems Projector User Manuals
                                                    For the most current specification information, please visit www.christiedigital.comCopyright 2012 Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc. All rights reserved. All brand names and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks
or tradenames of their respective holders. Christie Digital Systems Canada Inc.’s management system is registered to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
Performance specifications are typical. Due to constant research, specifications are subject to change without notice.
Printed in Canada on...
                                                    For the most current specification information, please visit www.christiedigital.comCopyright 2012 Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc. All rights reserved. All brand names and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks
or tradenames of their respective holders. Christie Digital Systems Canada Inc.’s management system is registered to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
Performance specifications are typical. Due to constant research, specifications are subject to change without notice.
Printed in Canada on...
Users Manual-Operating Guide
Users Manual-Operating Guide
                                                    Looking for an affordable, easy to set-up, high performance  
projector with features that ensure long life and low maintenance?  
Look no further than the Christie LX505.
Easy image alignment 
Create a perfectly aligned display with 3D Keystone™  technology, a new 
four-corner geometry correction tool. This easy-to-use feature allows 
you to quickly configure your image, ensuring a geometrically accurate 
display for every presentation.
Quality you can trust
The Christie LX505 presents exceptional image...
                                                    Looking for an affordable, easy to set-up, high performance  
projector with features that ensure long life and low maintenance?  
Look no further than the Christie LX505.
Easy image alignment 
Create a perfectly aligned display with 3D Keystone™  technology, a new 
four-corner geometry correction tool. This easy-to-use feature allows 
you to quickly configure your image, ensuring a geometrically accurate 
display for every presentation.
Quality you can trust
The Christie LX505 presents exceptional image...
                                                    ✽ Projection lens is optional.
User’s Manual
                                                    ✽ Projection lens is optional.
User’s Manual
Bright, Powerful, Compact – For Presentation Flexibility
The Christie LX55 is a bright, compact projector built with flexibility for presentation
power. With 5,500 ANSI lumens and 1000:1 contrast, there’s brightness power
for bold, detailed images in a package that suits lowprofile installations.
High performance 10bit image processing provides superb video reproduction from
standard definition to HD video sources. A range of fixed and zoom lenses with throw
ratios from 0.8:1 through to 6.0:1 gives...
Bright, Powerful, Compact – For Presentation Flexibility
The Christie LX55 is a bright, compact projector built with flexibility for presentation
power. With 5,500 ANSI lumens and 1000:1 contrast, there’s brightness power
for bold, detailed images in a package that suits lowprofile installations.
High performance 10bit image processing provides superb video reproduction from
standard definition to HD video sources. A range of fixed and zoom lenses with throw
ratios from 0.8:1 through to 6.0:1 gives...
                                                    And don’t forget brightness… at 6000 ANSI lumens the Christie LX605 
is the ideal projector for a wide variety of medium to large venue 
presentations. The Christie LX605 has been designed for easy set-up, 
high performance, and use in a myriad of installation applications since\
it is capable of accepting a wide range of sources.
A new four-corner geometry correction tool, 3D Keystone
™  technology, 
puts professional capabilities at your fingertips; quickly overcome 
installation challenges that can...
                                                    And don’t forget brightness… at 6000 ANSI lumens the Christie LX605 
is the ideal projector for a wide variety of medium to large venue 
presentations. The Christie LX605 has been designed for easy set-up, 
high performance, and use in a myriad of installation applications since\
it is capable of accepting a wide range of sources.
A new four-corner geometry correction tool, 3D Keystone
™  technology, 
puts professional capabilities at your fingertips; quickly overcome 
installation challenges that can...
                                                    The Chris tie L X650 is the brightes t, compac t, single - lamp 3LCD 
p roje c tor availa bl e — fea tu ring hig h b rig h tn e s s, hig h con tra s t, 
a nd th e re lia bili t y of a n a d va nce d lig h t e ngin e d e sig n, for hig h 
performance and low cost of ownership.
With 6500 ANSI lumens and a contrast ratio of 2000:1, the Christie 
L X650 shines in breakout rooms, large meeting rooms and houses 
of worship with the flexibility to display high impact graphics, computer 
data and 10 -bit video...
                                                    The Chris tie L X650 is the brightes t, compac t, single - lamp 3LCD 
p roje c tor availa bl e — fea tu ring hig h b rig h tn e s s, hig h con tra s t, 
a nd th e re lia bili t y of a n a d va nce d lig h t e ngin e d e sig n, for hig h 
performance and low cost of ownership.
With 6500 ANSI lumens and a contrast ratio of 2000:1, the Christie 
L X650 shines in breakout rooms, large meeting rooms and houses 
of worship with the flexibility to display high impact graphics, computer 
data and 10 -bit video...
✽ Projection lens is optional.
User’s Manual
✽ Projection lens is optional.
User’s Manual