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Christie Digital Systems Projector User Manuals

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Christie Digital Systems Projector User Manuals
Corporate AV
Higher education
Houses of worship
Live events
Image clarity, quality and HD widescreen resolution
The Christie LWU505 is one of the highest 
resolution projectors in the 5000 lumen LCD 
market today. Suitable for data and video 
presentations, it offers WUXGA (1920 x 1200) 
resolution and is packed with additional features. 
It’s an ideal choice for small to large sized 
applications – corporate AV, higher education, 
houses of worship – any organization requiring  
Corporate AV
Higher education
Houses of worship
Live events
Image clarity, quality and HD widescreen resolution
The Christie LWU505 is one of the highest 
resolution projectors in the 5000 lumen LCD 
market today. Suitable for data and video 
presentations, it offers WUXGA (1920 x 1200) 
resolution and is packed with additional features. 
It’s an ideal choice for small to large sized 
applications – corporate AV, higher education, 
houses of worship – any organization requiring  
                                                    Users Manual
                                                    Users Manual
                                                    The Christie LX1000 offers complete flexibility in applications that 
demand high brightness and cost-effective performance. This dual lamp 
system has 10,000 ANSI lumens and can be stacked quickly and easily 
to double the brightness to 20,000 ANSI lumens. Christie’s latest 3LCD, 
XGA projector offers exceptional image quality, application flexibility 
and low cost of ownership.
The Christie LX1000 features inorganic 3LCD technology to achieve 
a 3000:1 contrast ratio. The inorganic panels are also...
                                                    The Christie LX1000 offers complete flexibility in applications that 
demand high brightness and cost-effective performance. This dual lamp 
system has 10,000 ANSI lumens and can be stacked quickly and easily 
to double the brightness to 20,000 ANSI lumens. Christie’s latest 3LCD, 
XGA projector offers exceptional image quality, application flexibility 
and low cost of ownership.
The Christie LX1000 features inorganic 3LCD technology to achieve 
a 3000:1 contrast ratio. The inorganic panels are also...
The Brightest LCD Projector
The Christie LX120 is the brightest LCD projector – bar none. With an incredible lumens
and quad lamps, you get extremely powerful, high performance with a low operating
cost. Perfect for large auditoriums and churches, executive briefing rooms and conference
centers, an amazing 1300:1 contrast ratio ensures that every minute detail is sharp, clear
and realistic.
The Christie LX120 gives you the connectivity to handle virtually any source and features
arange of standard...
The Brightest LCD Projector
The Christie LX120 is the brightest LCD projector – bar none. With an incredible lumens
and quad lamps, you get extremely powerful, high performance with a low operating
cost. Perfect for large auditoriums and churches, executive briefing rooms and conference
centers, an amazing 1300:1 contrast ratio ensures that every minute detail is sharp, clear
and realistic.
The Christie LX120 gives you the connectivity to handle virtually any source and features
arange of standard...
                                                    T h e Ch ris tie L X150 0 is th e world ’s b rig h te s t p roje c tor in i t s 
class delivering a stunning 15,000 ANSI lumens brightness 
from a n a d va nce d 4 - la m p, 3LCD op tic a l e ngin e. De sig n e d for 
performance applications including houses of worship, staged 
events and medium sized auditoriums, the L X1500 combines 
native XGA resolution and 2000:1 contrast ratio with the latest 
10 -bit image processing for flawless image reproduc tion.
The L X1500 is compatible with digital and...
                                                    T h e Ch ris tie L X150 0 is th e world ’s b rig h te s t p roje c tor in i t s 
class delivering a stunning 15,000 ANSI lumens brightness 
from a n a d va nce d 4 - la m p, 3LCD op tic a l e ngin e. De sig n e d for 
performance applications including houses of worship, staged 
events and medium sized auditoriums, the L X1500 combines 
native XGA resolution and 2000:1 contrast ratio with the latest 
10 -bit image processing for flawless image reproduc tion.
The L X1500 is compatible with digital and...
✽ Projection lens is optional.
User’s Manual
✽ Projection lens is optional.
User’s Manual
                                                    User’s Manual
                                                    User’s Manual