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Boxlight User Manuals

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Boxlight User Manuals
                                                    The Light.
Your Game.
The Magic. 
                                                    find the light.
ph: 1.800.762.5757 • fx: 888.353.4242
                                                    find the light.
ph: 1.800.762.5757 • fx: 888.353.4242
                                                    19472 Powder Hill Place NE
Suite no. 100
Poulsbo, WA 98370
1600 ANSI Lumens
SVGA Resolution
2000:1 Contrast Ratio
© 2004 BOXLIGHT Corporation. BOXLIGHT and the BOXLIGHT logo are registered trademarks of BOXLIGHT Corporation. 
All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice. SD650z - 09.04
Looking for a hi-tech projector on a not-so-high budget? 
Look no further.  The BOXLIGHT...
                                                    19472 Powder Hill Place NE
Suite no. 100
Poulsbo, WA 98370
1600 ANSI Lumens
SVGA Resolution
2000:1 Contrast Ratio
© 2004 BOXLIGHT Corporation. BOXLIGHT and the BOXLIGHT logo are registered trademarks of BOXLIGHT Corporation. 
All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice. SD650z - 09.04
Looking for a hi-tech projector on a not-so-high budget? 
Look no further.  The BOXLIGHT...
                                                    Seattle Series
151 NE State Hwy 300, Ste ABelfair, WA 98528360.464.2119
User Manual 
                                                    Seattle Series
151 NE State Hwy 300, Ste ABelfair, WA 98528360.464.2119
User Manual 
                                                    www.bo xligh t.c om
In ter na tional 360.779.7901
Seattle WX25N
Special features of the 
Seattle WX25N include:
LAN Connectivity– For network 
installation. Manage your projectors 
through a web-based platform.
Quick Start Up and Shut Down—
Start presenting quickly and only a 
10 second cool down cycle when 
you fnish!
Side Changing Lamp and Filter
Easy lamp installation and projector 
maintenance. No need to remove 
the projector from ceiling mount 
2500 Lumens...
                                                    www.bo xligh t.c om
In ter na tional 360.779.7901
Seattle WX25N
Special features of the 
Seattle WX25N include:
LAN Connectivity– For network 
installation. Manage your projectors 
through a web-based platform.
Quick Start Up and Shut Down—
Start presenting quickly and only a 
10 second cool down cycle when 
you fnish!
Side Changing Lamp and Filter
Easy lamp installation and projector 
maintenance. No need to remove 
the projector from ceiling mount 
2500 Lumens...
                                                    www.bo xligh t.c om
In ter na tional 360.779.7901
Seattle X22N
Special features of the 
Seattle X22N include:
LAN Connectivity– For network 
installation. Manage your projectors 
through a web-based platform.
Quick Start Up and Shut Down—
Start presenting quickly and only a 
10 second cool down cycle when 
you fnish!
Side Changing Lamp and Filter
Easy lamp installation and projector 
maintenance. No need to remove 
the projector from ceiling mount 
2200 Lumens...
                                                    www.bo xligh t.c om
In ter na tional 360.779.7901
Seattle X22N
Special features of the 
Seattle X22N include:
LAN Connectivity– For network 
installation. Manage your projectors 
through a web-based platform.
Quick Start Up and Shut Down—
Start presenting quickly and only a 
10 second cool down cycle when 
you fnish!
Side Changing Lamp and Filter
Easy lamp installation and projector 
maintenance. No need to remove 
the projector from ceiling mount 
2200 Lumens...
                                                    www.bo xligh t.c om
In ter na tional 360.779.7901
Seattle X26N
Special features of the 
Seattle X26N include:
LAN Connectivity– For network 
installation. Manage your projectors 
through a web-based platform.
Quick Start Up and Shut Down—
Start presenting quickly and only a 
10 second cool down cycle when 
you fnish!
Side Changing Lamp and Filter
Easy lamp installation and projector 
maintenance. No need to remove 
the projector from ceiling mount 
2600 Lumens...
                                                    www.bo xligh t.c om
In ter na tional 360.779.7901
Seattle X26N
Special features of the 
Seattle X26N include:
LAN Connectivity– For network 
installation. Manage your projectors 
through a web-based platform.
Quick Start Up and Shut Down—
Start presenting quickly and only a 
10 second cool down cycle when 
you fnish!
Side Changing Lamp and Filter
Easy lamp installation and projector 
maintenance. No need to remove 
the projector from ceiling mount 
2600 Lumens...
                                                    www.bo xligh t.c om
In ter na tional 360.779.7901
Seattle X30N
Special features of the 
Seattle X30N include:
LAN Connectivity– For network 
installation. Manage your projectors 
through a web-based platform.
Quick Start Up and Shut Down—
Start presenting quickly and only a 
10 second cool down cycle when 
you fnish!
Side Changing Lamp and Filter
Easy lamp installation and projector 
maintenance. No need to remove 
the projector from ceiling mount 
3000 Lumens...