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Anaheim User Manuals

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Anaheim User Manuals
910 East Orangefair Ln.  Anaheim, CA 92801     Tel. (714) 992-6990     Fax. (714) 992-0471     www.anaheimautomation.com
The TSMCA20 Series Captive Linear Actuators are the perfect choice for cost-effective lin-
ear motion.  The stepper motor internally coverts rotary motion to linear motion via a rotating 
nut and a leadscrew.  This actuator eliminates the need for other rotary-to-linear conversions 
such as belt and pulleys, rack and pinions, or external ball screws....
910 East Orangefair Ln.  Anaheim, CA 92801     Tel. (714) 992-6990     Fax. (714) 992-0471     www.anaheimautomation.com
The TSMCA26 Series Captive Linear Actuators are the perfect choice for cost-effective lin-
ear motion.  The stepper motor internally converts rotary motion to linear motion via a rotat-
ing nut and a leadscrew.  This actuator eliminates the need for other rotary-to-linear conver-
sions such as belt and pulleys, rack and pinions, or external ball...
                                                    FEATURES SPECIFICATIONS
910 East Orangefair Ln.  Anaheim, CA 92801     Tel. (714) 992-6990     Fax. (714) 992-0471     www.anaheimautomation.com
# l e d o M
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t n e r r u...
910 East Orangefair Ln.  Anaheim, CA 92801     Tel. (714) 992-6990      Fax. (714) 992-0471     www.anaheimautomation.com
The TSMCA42 Series Captive Linear Actuators are the perfect choice for cost-effective 
linear motion.  The stepper motor internally coverts rotary motion into linear motion vi\
a a 
rotating nut and a leadscrew.  This actuator eliminates the need for other rotary-to-linear 
conversions such as belt and pulleys, rack and pinions, or external ball\...
910 East Orangefair Ln.  Anaheim, CA 92801     Tel. (714) 992-6990     Fax. (714) 992-0471     www.anaheimautomation.com
The TSMNA20 Series Non-Captive Linear Actuators are the perfect choice for cost-effective 
linear motion.  The stepper motor internally converts rotary motion to linear motion via a 
rotating nut and a leadscrew.  This actuator eliminates the need for other rotary-to-linear 
conversions such as belt and pulleys, rack and pinions, or external ball...
                                                    TSMNA Series Linear Actuators
910 East Orangefair Ln.  Anaheim, CA 92801     Tel. (714) 992-6990     Fax. (714) 992-0471     www.anaheimautomation.com
TSMNA25 Series Linear Actuators TSMNA25 Series Linear Actuators
• Competitively priced, high resolution digital
  non-captive linear acutuators
• Linear force up to 6.75 lbs (30N)
• Linear step resolution of .001”, .002” and .004”
• Unipolar and bipolar coil constructions
• Fast, powerful and precise positioning...
910 East Orangefair Ln.  Anaheim, CA 92801     Tel. (714) 992-6990     Fax. (714) 992-0471     www.anaheimautomation.com
The TSMNA26 Series Non-Captive Linear Actuators are the perfect choice for cost-effective 
linear motion.  The stepper motor internally converts rotary motion to linear motion via a 
rotating nut and a leadscrew.  This actuator eliminates the need for other rotary-to-linear 
conversions such as belt and pulleys, rack and pinions, or external ball...
910 East Orangefair Ln.  Anaheim, CA 92801     Tel. (714) 992-6990     Fax. (714) 992-0471     www.anaheimautomation.com
The TMNA35 Series Non-Captive Linear Actuators are the perfect choice for cost-effective 
linear motion.  The stepper motor internally converts rotary motion to linear motion nut and 
a leadscrew.  This actuator eliminates the need for other rotary-to-linear conversions such 
as belt and pulleys, rack and pinions, or external ball screws.  Motion...
910 East Orangefair Ln.  Anaheim, CA 92801     Tel. (714) 992-6990      Fax. (714) 992-0471     www.anaheimautomation.com
The TSMNA42 Series Non-Captive Linear Actuators are the perfect choice for cost-effective 
linear motion.  The stepper motor internally converts rotary motion to linear motion via\
rotating nut and a leadscrew.  This actuator eliminates the need for other rotary-to-linear 
conversions such as belt and pulleys, rack and pinions, or external ball\...
                                                     910 E. Orangefair Ln. Anaheim, CA 92801    Tel (714) 992-6990    Fax (714) 992-0471 
 Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor with Threaded Shaft 
 Precise Motion at a Low Cost 
 40 g-cm torque 
 15 mm motor body diameter 
 Inexpensively create linear travel 
 CE Certified and RoHS Compliant 
Item Specifications 
Step Angle Accuracy ±8% (full step, no load) 
Resistance Accuracy ±10% 
Inductance Accuracy ±20% 
Temperature Rise 80° C Max 
Ambient Temperature -20°C...
                                                     910 E. Orangefair Ln. Anaheim, CA 92801    Tel (714) 992-6990    Fax (714) 992-0471 
 Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor with Threaded Shaft 
 Precise Motion at a Low Cost 
 120 g-cm torque 
 25 mm motor body diameter 
 Inexpensively create linear travel 
 CE Certified and RoHS Compliant 
Item Specifications 
Step Angle Accuracy ±8% (full step, no load) 
Resistance Accuracy ±10% 
Inductance Accuracy ±20% 
Temperature Rise 80° C Max 
Ambient Temperature -20°C...