Wolf Projector SDC-15 Specifications
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SDC 15\b0 8 0p DI LA 3D Front Pr ojector Wo lf Ci ne ma Õs“CU\b” 3DCinema \froje ctor – 20 12 Fe at ure Upgrad es WolfC inem ais pleas edtoannounce important upgrades toour nextgener ationWolfCinema projec to r. Ev olv ing from the reference 20\b\b edition, theallnew SDC \b\fbec omes theideal ho me cinem apr oje ctor ena bled for both 2Dand 3D [ste reosc opic] view ing. New for 20\b2 isWo lfCi nemaÕs V4K ™technolo gy,delive ring ultraresol ution 3840 X2\b6 0 perfo rma nce fromstandard HDsources .The advanc edengine merges twofullfram e\b080 p image s,and byapre cision 0.\f pixe lo ff set the projector canvirtually elim ina tethe visible “pi xe lgat e”often expe rienced in other HDprojec tors. Also ne wforthis year isthe builtin WolfCinema VariS cope ™lens mem orysy stem . Thistec hni que enables rapi dacces sto thr ee ofyour favorite widescreenaspectratios – ex: \b.78 :\b,\b.8\f:\b and2.3\f :\b–wi thout theneed foranexternal anamorphic lens.Now you ca n expe rience full2:3\f :\bCinemaS cope ®widescr een view ing without unwanted top /bottom “bl ac kba rs”on suita ble scr eens. Sui tabl eon theater screens upto\b2Õ wide, the SDC \b\fboa stsanext generation three chip , DILA ®[Di rect Dr ive Ima geLight Ampl ifi er] light engi nefor high fidelity viewing.DILA is an adva nce dLCo S[Li qui dCry stal onSili con] technology fromthe Victor Compa nyofJap an [J V C ], whi ch pro duces stunning filml ike imag ing with deep contras tlevel perfor manceand nat ura lcol or rendi tions. Thesystem is compl emented byadvanced videoprocess ingplu s pre cisio n opti cs for raz or sha rpimage repr oductio nfrom today Õsmo stdema nding HD sources. Ea ch pr ojecto ris caref ullyhandcal ibrated atthe facto ry for top perform ancewhen viewin g both 2D and 3Dconte nt. TheSDC\b\f isdel ivere din an elegant high glos sblack cabine t,com plete with asystem IR remot econtrol ,LAN and RS2 32system control capa bilities. UpdatedWolf Cinem a3D shut ter glass es and active 3D signal emitter arealso now available to enjoy theimme rsive 3D experi ence with your entire fami ly. SDC 15 Features • Ad vanc ed three\bchi p, \f9 20 x\f08 0D\bILA ®eng ine •New V4K ™engine forenhanc ed 4Kviewi ng[384 0X 2\f60 ]from stan dard \f080 psources • Ad vanc ed onboard VariScope ™ lens memory system[three pr eset s]for \f.7 8, \f.85 and 2.35: \faspect ratioviewi ng •Factor yhand\bcal ibrat edfor bot h 2D and 3Dviewing modes •New 220W UHPlamp, \f30 0AN SI, ~\f0 0,000 :\fCR performance •WolfCinemaÕs mult i\baxi s colormana gement system (R ,G, B,C,M ,Yand Orange) with 20 calibrat ionpresets •Ad vanc ed real time 2D\bt o\b3 D con version mode •Ad justabl e3D parallax and cros stal kcancel lation for re duc ed “ghosting” artif acts • Multi\bz one pixel convergen ce [\f/\f 6thpixel, \f2\f zone ad ju stment ] •Extended rangeprimary lens : \f.4 5:\f to2.78:\f TD •Inp uts: HDMI \f.4a (2), Com ponent ,PC • IR Remote Controlinclu ded plus LAN, RS\b23 2sys tem con trol capabi lities • Tw oopt ional VariS cope FX ™Fi xe d An am orphi cLens Assembl ies • Elega ntgloss blac kcabine twith op tim ized thermal designfor exten ded projec torand lamp life • Opt ion al3D starter packinc ludes 3D signal emitt erand two pair ofactive glasses; additional glas ses avail able •Op tional WC\bP M\bMceilin g mou ntkit

SDC15 WolfCinema 2431 F ifthSt.Ber keley .CA 947\f 0 Tel:5\f 0.843. 4500 .Fa x : 5\f 0.843.7\f20 www. wo lfcin ema. com©201 2Wolf Cinema Disp layPanel/Size D\bILA devi ce *2 *3 0.7” (\f92 0pixels x\f08 0pixel s) x3 (total no.ofpixel s: ap prox .6 .2 2 m illion) Pro ject ion Lens 2.0xpo wer zoom lens(\f.4 5:\f to2.7 8:\f )(zoom/f ocus:power) Va riSco pe ™Three user\badj ustable lens presets –ex: \f.78 :\f,\f .8 5:\f and2.3 5:\f as pect ratios , set by you rWol fCi nema instal ler[NO TE: project orth row dis tan ce when utili zi ng the interna l Vari Scop efeature is appx. \f.45 :\fto2.\f:\f xSW] [ex ter nal VariSc opeFX ™anam orp hic lens support also provi ded] Ligh tso urce Lamp 220WUltra\bhigh pressure mercurylamp [Part No.W C\bLPU 220] Aver age Lifespan 2000\b3000 hours (normal mode) Perfo rm ance \f300ANSI,~\f 00,00 0:\fCRperf ormanc e Resolution \f920dotsx\f080 dots V4K™ Resolution 3840dotsx2\f60 dots \fD>3 DAlgorithm Realtime conversion ofstandard 2D images int o3D Pro ject ion Dist ance Approx. \f.8mto \f2m Analo gVideo InputFormat 480i,480p, 576i, 576 p,720p/ 50Hz,7 20 p/6 0Hz, \f080i/50 Hz,\f 080i/60 Hz Digit alVideo InputFormat 480i,480p, 576i, 576 p,720p/ 50Hz,7 20 p/6 0Hz, \f080i/50 Hz,\f080i/60 Hz,\f 080p/24 Hz, \f080p/50 Hz,\f0 80p/6 0Hz, For PCcom patibili ty ref erto the SDC \b\f5OwnerÕ sM an ual Vid eo Inp uts Component, RCA pin jack (x3), Y:\f.0Vp\bp (75 Ω),Pb /Cb,Pr/C r:0.7Vp\b p(75 Ω); HD MI \f.4a (x2),HD CP com plian t; PC D\b Sub \f5 pin VG A Out put s 3.5mm DCtrigger, 3Dsynchro emitterjack(mi niDIN 3p in ) C on tro lTe rminals RS\b232Cterminal,D\bsub 9\bpin(male), remotecon trol stereo minijack, RJ\b45 LANtermi nal Power Re quirement s AC\f\f0V \b240V 50/60Hz Pow er Consumpt ion 350W(3.4A) (standby mode:0.9W) Ope ratio n Environme ntTemperatur e: 5ºC to 35 ºC Hu midity :2 0% to 80% (nocondensa tion) (st ora ge tem pera ture: \b\f0C to 60 C) Insta llat ion Height Recommendedbelow500 0ft (\f 52 4m). (high altitu de operatin gmod eavailable) Dimensio ns(WxHxD ) \f9.5x8.8 x22.5 in., 496 x22 4x572 mm Weight 60lbs., 28 kg. net /75 lbs., 34 kg. shipping *\f D ILA istheab brevia tionfor Dire ctD rive Image LightAmpl ifier\b *3 DIL Adevic esare manufactured usi ng extrem elyhigh preci sion tech nology \bPi xel effect iveness is99\b99% \b Only 0\b0 1% or les sof the pixel sm ay be off or permanentl ylit an dstil lb e wi thin spec\b * 4 Eth ern et is not suppo rted\b •Fe atu re s, de sig ns and specif icatio ns are subj ect tochang ewi thout prior noti ce © 2012 Wolf\binema DI\fA isatrademark ofthe Victor \bompany ofJapan (JV\b) Specifi cat ions