Vivitek Projector DW755WTIR Specifications
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© Copyright 2013 V ivitek Corporation. DLP® and the DLP logo are registered trademarks of Texas Instruments. All specifications are subject to change at any time. I NTERACTI VE PROJECTOR DW755WTIR Take Advantage of Ultra Short-Throw, Interactive Technology Th e Vi vi tek DW755WTIR u ltra sh ort-thro w 3D p ro jector b ri n gs in teractivi ty n ot o n ly to whiteb oards, b ut to ju st a b o u t any fl at su rface. Featuring 3300 l u mens, 10,000:1 co n tra st ra tio a nd D LP®/BrilliantCo lor™ te ch nologies, th e DW755WTI R cre ates a 100-i nch i mage with i mp ressive co l o r re p rod uction a nd amazing p icture p erformance fro m a b o u t 17.55” (i nches) away. With exte nsive co nnectivity o p ti o ns, Full 3D ca pabilities and interactive tech nology wi th Fi n gerTo uch (o ptional mo dule) capability, the DW755WTIR i s th e s olution for th e latest widescreen multimedia n eeds. Features 3300 l u me ns o f b rightn ess with a 10,000:1 co n trast ra tio Bu i lt-in interactive te chno logy with d ual p en a nd Fi n gerTo uch (o ptional mo dule) capability. Ul tra s hort-th row to limit s hado ws an d light glare En e rgy e fficient l amps th at last u p to 10,000 h o u rs (in Eco mo d e) 3D-re a dy vi a D LP® Li n k™, Su pp orts Blu-Ray 3D , b o ardcast 3D , a n d PC-Ba sed 3D D LP a n d BrilliantColo r™ te ch nologies by Te xas I n s tru ments Co n n e ctio n o ptions i nclude: HD MI v1.4 (x2), VGA-in(x2), VGA o u t, co mp o site vid eo, S-video, USB (Po wer), Au dio i n /o ut, Mi cro pho ne RJ45/RS-232 fo r i n tegration an d system ad ministration co mp a tible with Cre stro n, AMX, a n d Extro n Se a led o p tical e ngin e p reven ts d ust co n tamination To p-l oading, co ve r for q u ick a nd e asy l amp re placemen t Specifications Brightnes s 3300 Lumens (Typica l) Na tive Res olution WXGA (1280 x 800) Contra s t Ra tio 10,000:1 (Full On/Off) La mp Life a nd Type 5,000/10,000 Hours (Norma l/Eco Mode), 230W La mp Pa rt # 5811118004-SVV Dis pla y Type Single DMD DLP® Technology by Texa s Ins truments Throw Ra tio (±3%) 0.35:1 (Dis ta nce/Width) Ima ge Size (Dia gona l) 80” to 100” (2.0 to 2.5m) Projection Dis ta nce (D) 11.11” to 17.55” (0.282 to 0.446m) (D is tance between projector rear and dis play s urface) Projection Lens F=2.5, f=5.09mm Zoom Ra tio Fixed Lens , Ma nua l Focus As pect Ra tio 16:10 Na tive, 16:9 & 4:3 Compa tible Offs et 120% Keys tone Correction ±40° Vertica l, ±40 Steps Color Spectrum 1.07 Billion Horizonta l Sca n Ra te 15, 30 to 91.4 KHz Vertica l Sca n Ra te 24 ~ 30Hz, 47 ~ 120 Hz 3D Functiona lity Full 3D (Via DLP® Link™, BluRa y 3D, Broa dca s t 3D, a nd PC-3D)) Spea ker 20W Stereo (10W x 2) Remote Control Fully Fea tured IR Remote with La s er Pointer Projection Method Ta ble Top or Ceiling Mount (Front or Rea r) Uniformity 95% Computer Compa tibility UXGA, WXGA, SXGA+, SXGA, XGA, SVGA, VGA Res ized; VESA Sta nda rds ; PC a nd Ma cintos h Compa tible Video Compa tibility SDTV(480i, 576i), EDTV (480p, 576p), HDTV (720p, 1080i/p), NTSC (M, 3.58/4.43 MHz), PAL (B, D, G, H, I, M, N), SECAM (B, D, G, K, K1, L) I/O Connection Ports HDMI v1.4 (x2), VGA-In (x2), VGA-Out, Compos ite Video, S-Video, Microphone, RCA Audio-In, Mini-Ja ck Audio-In, Mini-Ja ck Audio-Out, RJ45, RS-232c, USB Type A (Power only) Security Kens ington® Lock Port, Security Ba r Weight 11lbs (5.0 kg) Dimens ions (W x H x D) 11.3 x 4.9 x 14.7 (287.7 x 126.6 x 374.5 mm) Nois e Level 29dB/33dB (Eco/ Norma l Mode) Power Supply: AC 100-240V, 50/60Hz Cons umption: 250W (Eco Mode), 290W (Norma l Mode),