ProForm 785 F Owners Manual
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21 These guide lineswi llhelp you toplan yourexercise program\b Forde taile dexe rcise in fo rm ation ,obtain a reputable book orconsu ltyou rphysicia n\b Re member, proper nutritio nand ade quate rest are esse ntia lfo r su ccessf ulresult s\b EXERCIS EINTEN SITY Whether yourgoalisto bur nfat ortostren gthe nyour ca rdiovascu larsystem ,exe rcising atthe pro perin te n- sit yis the ke yto achie vingresul ts\b You canuse your hea rtrat eas a guide tofind the prop er in te nsi ty leve l\b Thecha rtbelo wsho wsrecom mended heart rates for fatburn ing andaer obic exercise\b To find the prop erintens itylevel, findyo ur ageat the bot tom of the cha rt(age sar erounded off to the near - estten years)\b Thethreenu mbe rsliste dabo ve you r age define your“train ing zon e\b”Thelowe stnu mb eris the heartrate forfat burni ng, themidd lenumb eristhe hea rtrat efor maximum fatburn ing, and the hig hest number isthe heart rate foraero bic exe rcise\bBurni ngFat—To burn fat effect ivel y,you must exer- cise atalow int en sity level for asu sta ined period of time \bDu ring the fir st few mi nu tesof exercise, your bod yuses ca\fbo\byd\f ate cal o\fies for energy \bOnl yafter the fir st few minut es ofexe rcise does your body begin touse stored fat cal o\fies for ene rgy\b Ifyour goalis to bur nfa t, adj ust the int ensi ty of your exercise untilyour h ea rt rat e is nea rthe lowe stnum berinyour trai ning zone \bFor maxi mu mfatbur ning, exe rcise withyour hea rt rat e near th e mi dd lenum ber in your training zone \b Aerobi cExe rci se—I fyour goalis to stre ngthen your cardiovascu larsyste m,youmust perform aerobic exer cise, whi ch is act ivi ty that requ ires la rg eam ounts of oxyg enfor prolon ged per io ds oftime\b Foraerobi c exer cise, adjust the in tensi ty of you rexercise until your hear trat e is nea rth e highe stnumber inyour tra ini ng zon e\b WO RKOU TGUID ELI NES Wa rm ing Up—Sta rt wit h5to 10 minutes ofstretc hing and lig ht exer cise\b Awa rm-up in cre ases yourbody tem per atur e, heartra te , and circul ation inpreparati on for exer cise\b Tra ini ng Zone Exerci se—E xercise for\f0 to30 min- u tes wit h you rhea rt rat e in yo ur tra ining zone\b (Duri ng the fir st few weeks ofyour exer cise prog ram, do not keep yourheartra te in you rtr ai ning zone forlonger t han \f0minut es\b)B rea the reg ular ly and deepl yas you exer cise–n ever holdyour breat h\b Cool ing Dow n—Fi nish wit h 5to 10 minutes of stret chi ng\b Str e tch in g incr eases the flexibil ityofyour muscl esandhel ps to pr even tpost -exercise problems\b EXER CIS E FRE QUENC Y To maint ain or impr oveyour condit ion, compl ete three w ork outsea ch wee k,with at le ast one dayofrest bet ween wor kout s\bAfter afe w mont hsofregul arexer - cise, you maycom plet e up to five workouts each week, if desi red\b Rem em ber,the key tosuccess is to m ake exer cise are gular and enjo ya ble part ofyour eve ryday life\b EXER CISE GUIDELINES WARNIN G:Befor ebe ginni ng thisor any exerc ise progr am,consult your physician. Thisis especially important for persons over the age of\f5 orper sons with pre-exis ting healthproblem s. Thepulse sens orisnot am edical device. Va rious factors mayaffect the accuracy of heart rate readi ngs. Thepulse sensor is inte nded onlyas an exer cise aidindeterm in - ing heart ratetrends ingener al.

22 SUGGESTEDSTRETCHES Thecorre ctform forse ver albasic stretches is sh own at th e right\b Mo veslowly asyou stretch—n everbounce\b 1.Toe Touc hStr etc h Sta nd withyo ur knee sben tsl ig htly andslo wly bend forwa rdfrom your hip s\bAllow your back and shoul derstorelax as yo urea ch down towardyou rtoe sas far aspossi ble\bHo ldfor 15counts, the nrela x\bRepe at3times\b Stretches: Hamstrin gs,backs of kn ees, andback\b 2. Hamstring Stretc h Sit with one leg exte nde d\bBri ng the sole ofthe opposite foot toward youand rest itaga inst theinne rthi gh ofyou rexten ded leg\b Reach towar dyo ur toes asfaras possi ble\bHo ldfor 15 counts, then relax\b Repeat3time sfor each leg \bStre tches: Hamst rings, lower back ,and groi n\b \f. Calf\bAc hilles Stre tch Withone leg in fron tof the other, reach forward and place your handsagain stawa ll\bKeep yourback leg straight and you rback foo tfla ton the floor\b Bendyour front leg, lea nforwa rd,an dmo ve your hip stoward the wall\bHol d for 15cou nts, then relax\b Re peat 3times foreach leg\bTocause furtherstretching ofthe achilles tendons, bend your back leg as wel l\bStr etch es: Calves, achilles ten dons, and ankles\b 4. Qu adric epsStretc h Withone hand aga inst awall for balance, reach back and gra sp one footwith youroth er hand\b Bring your heel as close toyour but tocks as possible \bHold for15cou nts, then relax\b Repeat3 time sfor each leg\b Stre tches: Quadrice psand hip muscles\b 5. Inn erThi gh Stret ch Sit with the sole sof your feet togethe rand your kne esoutward\b Pull you rfeet towar dyo ur groin asfar aspossible\b Holdfor15 co unts, then relax\b Repeat3time s\bStretches: Quadricepsand hip muscle s\b 1 \f 3 4 5

2\f 11Frame 21 Base 31 Ramp 41 Uprigh t 53 M4x19m mScr ew 61 FrontStabi lizer 71 Conso le 81 LeftPu lse Bar 91 RightPulse Bar 10 1 TrackCove r 11 1LeftLatch Cover 1\f 1 RightLatch Cover 13 1 Latch Button 14 1 Latch Cable 15 4 Cable Pulley 16 1 Latch Spring 17 1 Latch Pin 18 1 Crank 19 1 Pulley \f0 \f CrankArm \f1 13 M4x16m mFlange Screw \f\f 1 Idler \f 3 1 C-magnet \f4 1 Motor Bra cket \f5 1 Resista nceMotor \f6 1 Resista nceRod \f7 1 Resista nceDisc \f8 1 Flywheel \f9 1 FlywheelAxl e 30 4 Sta bilizer Bushing 31 1 Sta bilizer Axle 3\f \f Sta bilizer Cap 33 1 Foot 34 \f Wheel 35 1 Pivo tAxle 3 6 4 Pivo tBushin g 37 1 Water Bottle Hold er 38 1 Reed Switch 39 \f Clamp 40 6 R1\fBe aring 41 \f FlywheelBea ring 4 \f 4 Snap Ring 43 \f Magnet 44 1 LeftPedalArm 45 1 LeftRol lerArm 46 1 LeftHand lebarLeg 47 1 LeftHand lebar 48 1 LeftPe dal Bracket 49 1 LeftPe dal 50 1 LeftPe dal Insert51 \f Rol le r 5\f \fPeda lA rm Cap 53 8Axl e Cover 54 \f16mm Wave Washer 55 \fCrank Arm Space r 56 \fPeda lB racket Spa cer 57 4Peda lA rm Bush ing 58 1Righ tP edal Arm 59 1Righ tR ol ler Arm 60 1Righ tH andl ebar Leg 61 1Righ tH andl ebar 6\f \fHan dleb ar Cap 63 \fPul se Senso rA ssembly 64 1Righ tP edal Bracket 65 6M6 x\f5m mFla tH ead Scr ew 66 419mm Wave Washer 67 \fOut er Handl ebar Cover 68 \fInne rH an dleba rC over 69 \fM4 x16m mRe ed Swit chScr ew 70 \fInne rP ivot Bushi ng 71 \fDisc 7\f \fDisc Mount 73 1Left S hi eld 74 1Righ tS hi eld 75 1Shi eld Cover 76 4V-clip 77 \fRol le r S pacer 78 \fKey 79 1Long Magne tSp acer 80 1Shor tM agne tSp acer 81 \fM10 Sho ulder Scr ew 8\f 15 M8 x19m mPa tch Scre w 83 9M8 Split W asher 84 \fM8 x80m mPa tch Scre w 85 \fM6 x1\fm mHe xPatch Screw 86 \fM8 x48m mHe xBolt 87 4M8 x13m mScr ew 88 1M8 x38m mHe xScr ew 89 1M10 x\f\fm mBol t 90 1M8 x80m mSh oul der Bol t 91 \fM10 Fender Washe r 9\f 3M10 Locknut 93 4M4 x1\fm mBo lt 94 4M4 Lo cknut 95 \fM10 Wash er 96 8M8 x38m mBo lt 97 8M8 x19m mPa tch Scre w 98 8M8 x\f5m mWa sher 99 4M10 x45m mPat ch Screw 100 \fM10 x60m mBolt Ke yNo. Qty. Descript ion KeyNo. Qty. Description PART LIST— Model No.PFE L57908. 1R0509A

24 101 \fM8 x\f0m mWash er 10\f 1\f M8 Locknut 103 1M3\b5 x1\fm mFlat Head Screw 104 16 M4 x16m mScr ew 105 8M4 x1\fm mScr ew 106 1M4 x16m mBright Screw 107 4Roller Arm Bush ing 108 10 M6 x13m mScr ew 109 \fM6 Wash er 110 1UpperWir eHar ness 111 1Lowe rWir eHar ness11\f 1Pow erAdapt er 113 1Drive Bel t 114 \fFoam Grip 115 1Right Ped al 116 1Right Ped alInser t 117 \fPul se Wire 118 \fUpp er Bushi ng *– Assem bly Tool *– Grease Packet *– Userʼ sM an ual Key No. Qty. Desc ription KeyNo. Qty. Descripti on Note: Specifica tions are subject tochange withou tno tice\b Seetheback cover ofthis manua lfo rin fo rmation abo utorde ring replacem entparts\b*Th ese parts are notillu stra ted\b

25 EXPLOD ED DRAWI NGA—M odel No.P FE L57908.1R0509A 1 2 3 46 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1515 16 17 18 19 20 20 2223 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 31 32 32 33 34 34 3536 3637 38 39 40 40 42 42 41 41 43 43 63 63 78 78 79 80 81 81 82 8282 82 82 8283 83 838383 83 84 85 85 86 86 87 88 89 90 91 91 93 93 94 96 96 97 98 9798 108 109 108109 102 102 102 102 102 102 92 102 103 21 21 21 21 5 21 21 106 69 104 104 10439 69 111 11 0 11 2 11 3 11 7

26 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 98 53 53 40 40 55 36 56 57 57 62 66 67 68 70 11 8 71 72 73 75 76 76 76 77 96 97 97 101 53 82 97 98 82 82 98 99 100 92 102 104 104104 104 65 6565 108108 105 54 66 42 95 107 107 11 4 105 EXPLOD ED DRAWI NGB—M odel No.P FE L57908 .1R0509A

27 53 53 53 53 52 51 40 40 55 36 56 57 57 58 59 60 61 62 11 6 11 5 64 66 67 68 11 8 70 71 72 74 77 96 99 100 97101 97 82 98 97 98 82 82 98 95 102 104 104 104 10465 6565 105105 108108 54 66 42 92 107 107 11 4 EXPLOD ED DRAWI NGC—M odel No.P FE L57908 .1R0509A

Part No\b\f76 403R05 09A PrintedinChina ©\f008 ICON IP,Inc\b ORD ERING RE PLACE MENT PART S Toorde rre place mentpar ts,plea sesee the fro ntcove rof this manua l\b To helpus assist you,be prep ared to provide the follo wing information when contactin gus: • the modelnu mbe rand serialnum berofthe prod uct(see thefrontcover ofthis man ual) •the name ofthe pro duct (see thefron tcover of th is manua l) •th e ke ynu mbe rand descr iption ofthe replace mentpart(s) (seethePART LISTandtheEXPLODED DRAW INGnear the end ofthis manu al) LI MI TE DWARRAN TY ICONHealth&Fitn ess, Inc\b(IC ON) warrants thisprod ucttobe free from defects inworkmanship and material,under norma luse and service conditions\b Theframe iswarranted foralifeti me\b The resistance mecha nismiswa rranted forseven (7)years from thedate ofpurchase \bP arts and labo rare warranted for one(1)yea rfro m the date ofpurchase \b Thiswarran tyext ends onlyto the origin alpurchaser\b ICONʼsobligation under this warranty islim ited to repa iring orreplacin g,atICONʼs optio n,the product through one ofits authori zedservice cente rs\b All repa irs for wh ich war ranty claimsar ema de mustbe pre authorized by ICON\b Ifthe prod uctisshipped to ase rvice center,freig htchar gestoand from theservice centerwillbethe customerʼs responsibility \bFor re pla ceme ntparts ship ped whi le the pro duct isunde rwarra nty,thecustomer willberesponsible fo r a minimal handlingch arge\b For in-ho me service, thecustomer willberesponsible fora minima ltrip ch arg e\bThis warranty does notextend to an ydamage toaproduct caused byorattr ibuta ble tofreight dama ge,abu se, misu se,improper orabn ormal usage,or repa irs not provided byan ICON authorized se rvice center; pro ducts usedfor commercial orrental purposes; orpro ducts usedasstore disp lay mode ls\bNo oth er wa rranty beyond thatspecifically setforth above isau thori zedby ICON\b ICON isnot resp onsibleorliable forind irect, special, orconseque ntialdamages arising outofor in con - nect ionwith the use orper form ance of the product; damageswith respect toany economic loss,lossof property,loss ofrevenue sor profits, lossofenjoyme ntor use ,or costs ofremoval or in sta llation; or oth erconse quent ialdam ages of what soever nature\b Somestatesdo not allow theexclusion orlimita - tionof in cide ntal or consequ entialdamages\bAcco rd in gly, theabove limitation maynot apply toyou\b Th ewarra ntyextende dher eun der isin lie uof any and allother warranties, andany implied warran ties ofmerch antabilityor fitn ess foraparticu larpurpose are limited intheir scope andduratio nto the terms se tfo rth herein\b Some state s do not allow limitatio nson how long animplied warranty lasts\b Accordingly,the above limi tation may not apply toyou\b This warrant ygives youspec ificlegal righ ts\bYou may alsohave other rights thatvary from state to state\b IC ON Heal th & Fit ness ,Inc .,150 0S. 1000 W.,Loga n,UT 84\f21 -981\f