Communications System
Comdial Executech Model 0616x, 0816x Electronic Key Systems Instructions Manual
Comdial Executech Model 0616x, 0816x Electronic Key Systems Instructions Manual
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Page 11
IMI 66-031Installation Table 2-l. KSU To Station Wring.I ----.----a-l.“mI ---.I.- Y-L. I_-_.STATION GREEN-WHITBGREEN 5RED6YEUDW 7 !BLACK 6 hers~mzu.1 Is-.--wmllt-JUIt SLATE-WHITE65 RED-BLUE31BLUE-RED66RED-ORANGE32.ORANGE-RED77 RED-GREEN, GREEN-REDRFCLRRVOICE PAIR DATA PAIRVU&C “n==- 122 .PAIRRED 1; xtYEUOW 11 BLACK 12CREEP l * *_..--- -_-- BROW..-..,,.,1141______RED-SLATE1__t65nhTA1241__-- DATA1 YEUDWn 10iiI-n.-SLATE-RED 1DAID :K-BLUE36 i 15 16 ORANGE-YELLOW1 YELLOW-GREEN,643 GREEN-YELLOW18r-.8x...
Page 13
Installation CHECKOUT Check the KSU and telephone installation for proper operation by performing the following actions. Resistance Check Make the following resistance measurements at the Sta- tion connector blocks under the following conditions.l AC power cord disconnected from electrical outlet.l KSU connected to station connector blocks.l Stationswired, and wiring punched downon blocks.l Bridging clips removed from blocks to isolate sta- tions from common equipment. 1.Measure the resistance of each...
Page 14
IMI 66-031System Programming CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING GENERAL INFORMATION Class Of Service (COS) programming consists of setting the Class Of Service (COS) operating con- ditions. COS programming is divided into the fol- lowing three major categories: System COS, tine COS, and Station COS. All COS programming commands must originate at station 10. No COS programming commands can be accepted from any other station connected to the system. COS programming causes station 10 todefault to a square...
Page 15
IMI 66-031System Programming Al - A2- A3 - A4 - A5 - A6 - A7 -B5 - 84 - Bl - 10-o 0100 El30 0 0 00 0 0 O-0 I 4’ , Figure 3-l. Programming Key Layout 1 A8 A9 A10 All A12 - Ad3 - Al4 - B6 - 87 - 88 - 83 - B2 : 3-2
Page 16
IMl66-031System Programming - - - - - - - - - - SYSTEM.COS PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE SYSTEM DEFAULTS All lines are DTMF Voice signalling attempted first when inter- com call is made 1 sec. pause time 2 sec. dial tone recall time 30 sec. recall from hold All lines prfvate All lines are CO lines No toll restriction set Printer port set for 110 baud data rate 2 sec. automatic pause insertion wait time PROCEDURE NOTE: Before performing this procedure, turnto the System COS Programming Reference Chart (Table...
Page 17
System Program-~~166-031 8.l Press *. Dial tone will sound. Select toll restriction table entries. Refer to programming table (Table 3-4) to preselect entry requirements.l Select table with memory key. The dial tone will stop when the selection is made.1 KEY 1 TABLE 1 KEY I TABLE 1Al Al 1 1A5 A55 5 A2 A22 2A6 A6 6 6 A3 A33 3A7 A7 7 7 A4 A44 4A8 A8 8 8l Select mode of table with keypad key. Tone burst conforms selection.l Select entry line on table with memory key. Action clears any current entry and...
Page 18
IMI 66-031System Programming LINE COS PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - - - - - LINE DEFAULTS All lines private All lines are CO lines No toll restriction Set Dialing mode is tone only 300 msec. held call abandon time 5. 6. PROCEDURE NOTE: Before performing this procedure, turn fo the Line COS Programming Reference Chart (Table 3-2), located at the end of this chapter, and record all line COS requirements on it. 7. 1.Enter base level programming mode:lPress ITCM +K 7 4 6 +K. The dial tone8. will sound.Press...
Page 19
IMI 66-031 STATION COS PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE System Programming STATION DEFAULTS r No ringing line preference enabled - No prime line is chosen - DSS/BLF port is disabled -PA port is disabled - No delayed ringing enabled - No access denied - No orfgination denied - No privacy released -Day and night ringing patterns set as follows: - station 10, 17, and 24 all lines - System-wide, all call paging in zone D -tine select keys 1 -n selects lines 1 -n(squared pairing) PROCEDURE NOTE: Before peffotming this...
Page 20
IMI 66-031System Programming trig features. If dtrect rtngtng Is setected after delayed rtngtng Is selected, delayed rtngtng wttt be disabled. Press 2 for direct tinging. Tone burst sounds to confirm. DefauQ condition of no ringing enabled now set on all iines. Press line select key (program keys Bl- B6 for 0616X and Bl -B8 for 0816X) for each line on which direct ringing is desired. Tone sounds after each selec- tion. 9. Program delayed ringing assignments.l Press 3 for delayed tinging. Tone burst...